Showing posts with label tiring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tiring. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 August 2022

Monday Mornings - Oshi Singh

Monday Mornings 

As the alarm buzzed, I opened my eyes, hoping to get some more sleep. Alas! It was six thirty already. I am always very hesitant about Monday mornings. On one side, I hate getting back to the same basic boring routine after all the relaxation and fun one had on Saturday and Sunday. Although Mondays do make me look forward to getting all freshened up and make me want to have a good kick start for the upcoming week. Every week I find Mondays the most challenging day (Trust me, making the decision almost 52 times a year isn't a cakewalk!). Nevertheless, I have to admit that although Mondays end up getting tiring, it indeed is a lot of fun getting back to the same basic boring routine and meeting all my friends again. Mondays make you ( me at least) realise that your life is still going on, and you have another chance to learn from your mistakes & just keep going. 

Oshi Singh 
Gyanshree School 
Grade VIII-D 

Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Hope - Gaurangi Rastogi

Please read The Little Book of Values:
Educating Children to become Thinking, Responsible and Caring Citizens.

People talk about hope whenever you are stuck in a difficult situation.

But what is hope? Sometimes this question clicks my mind. It is a step that motivates you to reach your destination or aim to be achieved. 

Recently, I travelled to 'Char Dham Yatra'. Which is enjoyable. When I saw the track, I felt disappointed. It was a tiring journey, but something inside kept my excitement alive.

I think that's hope!

Hope never lets your aspirations or dreams die. It keeps it alive in your heart. Some examples of maintaining hope in my daily life:

Hope of mummy making something good in Lunch.

Hope that my family to bring surprises on my birthday 

Hope of going to park and cycle 3 rounds without stopping.

Gaurangi Rastogi 
The Doon Girls' School 

Good Schools Of India