Showing posts with label together. Show all posts
Showing posts with label together. Show all posts

Saturday, 7 May 2022

Empathy - Rishona Chopra

Empathy is understanding others' feelings and reacting accordingly. It is to feel what they are feeling, to be in their shoes.

We often misunderstand Empathy and Sympathy. Sympathy is when we feel pity for someone, while Empathy is feeling what the other person thinks and helping them out. If your friend won a basketball match, you can understand his feelings and be happy for him and celebrate his happiness. Even if you hate basketball, after being happy for him and by making him happy, you feel good too. This is where Empathy connects with Making Others Happy. 

The above picture shows how two people can connect and understand each other as one. This is all because of Empathy.

Here is a poem I wrote on Empathy:

Empathy is something so strong, 
It senses when something is wrong.

It connects us together,
And we become as calm as the weather!

I know how you feel,
And we can together heal.

I feel your pleasure and pain,
But empathy is a feeling, and it's hard to explain.

Understanding each other's feelings,
makes you look appealing,

it helps you make friends,
and makes fights end!!

It might be a bit difficult,
but it's nothing different.

Everyone should understand it,
at least a little bit!!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Teamwork - Anaghaa Gawde and Hardik Rane

Once upon a time, three girls lived, named Kareena, Rina and Katrina. Kareena and Katrina would always fight. They would talk to each other only after solving their problems.

One day their sister Rina got kidnapped by a thief! It was upon them to save her; they searched and searched; after 4 to 5 hours, they found her in a dungeon, tied up with a granny knot to a pole, a tape piece on the mouth, hands, and legs tied tightly with rope. They both fought to open the granny knot; each one of them tried to open the knot but could not open it. So, they finally worked together. The knot was opened. They did the same with the other 2 knots. 

That’s how they found out the importance of teamwork. This shows that teamwork leads to better outcomes.

Name: Anaghaa Gawde and Hardik Rane
Grade: 5A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Sunday, 5 December 2021

Cooperation - Krishnadeep Madhav

Cooperation means working together for a common goal. This can be depicted by a drawing made by me.
Three men are working together to lift a big key. They support and cooperate with each other to complete their task. By collaborating, they can finish the given job easily and quickly.

So we should always cooperate with each other.

Krishnadeep Madhav
Class V
The Fabindia School

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Cooperation - Tiya Sompura

 I have made a graphic to explain cooperation.

Working together with somebody else to achieve something is known as cooperation. It is the ability to balance one's own needs with someone else's. It is derived from the two Latin words: 'Co' meaning together and 'opera' meaning to work. It can be seen in family, school, friends, etc. It helps society to develop. Without cooperation, it's not easy to achieve a goal. It is a positive motive that is equivalent to competition in motivating a person to reach the goal. It creates a very healthy environment for the betterment of society.

Tiya Sompura 
Class VII A
The Fabindia School

Sunday, 21 November 2021

Co-operation - Hetal Vaishnav

Co-operation means working together. 

Co-operation is essential for us and our society. 

For example, co-operation is when someone hands you a paper, and you lay the paper. Co-operation is necessary for a family and even in our professional life. In the case of children, co-operation is primarily expressed in the play. 

Co-operation is one of the most widely taught skills. At an early age, we learned that "United we stand, divided we fall". 

When I was in class 4, my classmates and I were given Swachh Bharat Abhiyan's mission. We all had to clean our school. We all worked together, and because of co-operation, we all got success in this mission.

Co-operation means to work together to achieve a common goal. 

Co-operation is very much essential in our life.

Hetal Vaishnav 
Class VIII A
The Fabindia School

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Teamwork - Bhumika Nimbark

Teamwork is an activity in which many people work together to achieve a goal. The most important person in a team is the leader. The leader is the one who brings the idea of team spirit among his teammates so that they work properly in a cooperative manner. If the leader doesn't complete his duties, then his team can never achieve success. I learned the value of teamwork when my teacher told me to prepare a play on Human Rights within a week for an upcoming occasion. I was given a team of 20 students, and only a few of them were cooperative. I was apprehensive about how we will do it, but then, as a responsible leader, I prepared the dialogues for my team, and I was very strict towards them so that the task could be completed on time. In 6 days, my team was ready with their dialogues, their pretty props, the different scenes, and on the last day, we performed our play in front of the whole school. By that day, I learned the importance of teamwork and leadership in a team.

Bhumika Nimbark
Class X
The Fabindia School 

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