Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

Myths of Retirement - Shubhangi Kashyap

Retirement myths include the beliefs that: Expenses will decrease, tax concerns will vanish, and every day will feel like a vacation. Work will cease entirely, and Social Security and Medicare will fully cover all financial needs. Retirement means the end of work: It is true that retirement signifies the end of active employment, but productivity remains non-energetic, and there is a gradual decline in health.

It's crucial for individuals to plan for retirement based on their specific circumstances, considering factors like financial goals, health, and personal preferences. Consulting with a financial advisor and staying informed about retirement options can help dispel myths and create a more realistic and satisfying retirement experience.

Shubhangi Kashyap
Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara

Monday, 7 August 2023

Change I have seen from my recent past - Tenzin Jambey

Time goes on. We become old, much more experienced as the year passes (like a changing season). Reflection on things and my surroundings has become a part of my life. And from them, I get life lessons. This summer vacation was full of learning and knowledge, indeed. Knowledge is something other than what you get by opening books. 

Sometimes life and time teach you the best and most unforgettable teachings. So this vacation, I worked as a labour. Working under the orders of our boss was a different story. Well, for me, it was a lesson I learned that- life is not easy. For every human being, from poor to rich; and businessman to doctor, life is tough, and it is up to us- how we deal with it. The poor people think living a luxurious life is best and that money is everything. 

We chase money like a donkey chasing a carrot tied with a rope to a stick, while the master controlling the carrot takes the donkey where he wants. It's just an illusion a donkey sees. And the same case is with us people running behind an earthly thing like money. But if we think deeper, then we realise that money is an important asset to earn a living today and the same case for the donkey who runs behind a carrot to overcome hunger. 

There is a saying that "Too many cooks spoil the broth". Similarly, more money would not solve the problem but could lead to problems like - greed, desires, etc. And the conclusion for this will be that - 'For every problem, there is a solution'. And behind every solution, there is a problem. Recently, I have seen myself developing and becoming an idol for my juniors and even becoming a favourite of my house mother due to my efforts. Even in my village, I have a good image among everyone because I push myself to do better every time. 

Whenever I see any person older than me, I talk with them in a very respectful and comfortable way. They always give me a big smile when I meet them. If you work hard with your soul, life will pay you for that. When we push ourselves harder by getting out of our comfort zone, life teaches us lessons. And we are rewarded for the same accordingly. "That's the change that I have seen in my recent past".

Tenzin Jambey, Pestalozzi Children's Villiage India

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Happiness - Avika Singhal

Happiness is the feeling of contentment or when life fulfils your needs with a lack of worries. When people are successful, safe or lucky, they feel happy.

To me, happiness is my inner peace and satisfaction. Happiness does not have to be the same for everybody. It may differ from person to person.

I am happy when I am living a moment fully like when I play basketball when I go out for a vacation with my family, when I play with slime when I go out shopping, when I eat my favourite food and when I have money, and I can help the poor. Such things light up my mood, and I put aside all my stress and live in the moment.

Now the things can you pass your happiness to others so that they are happy too! Everyone likes being loved, right? Yes, everyone likes being loved and cared for. So if you follow the following things, then you can pass your happiness.

  • Pass a smile to them when you get a chance
  • Help them in their work
  • Show them love and respect 
  • Show that you care
  • Be in a happy mood around them
  • Tell jokes to each other(not offensive ones) laugh with them
  • Share your things and don’t remind them they favour repeatedly 
  • Be a good friend and keep secrets so that they can be warm and comfortable around you
Avika Singhal
Class VII
The Doon Girls' School

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