Showing posts with label vibes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vibes. Show all posts

Friday, 15 September 2023

Intentions - Reveda Bhatt

Intentions come a long way - Sometimes say even more than words. Vibes exist. Matches exist. It's all in the intent of a person -"like" likes "like," unlikely in some cases.

For instance, need of help -WHEN YOU HAVE EVERYTHING-everybody seems to be close to us, "wants to be" close to us-but when you have little - All that remains is all WHAT and WHO is yours-The Real Ones. Truth of life - Let's face it.

Well, you must be wondering where "intent" drops in here - Others' intentions throw vibes of what they mean or, in this case, "want." Some figure that out, while few are too caught up in the moment to see whose "faking." Those true at heart stay beside you no matter what, when or where life takes you. While as your "car of life" comes down through the mesmerising meadows, full of "your close ones," as soon as you enter the "dark tunnel," what your life comes out with is its car full of "your real ones." You fill up the fuel at a station, about to enter the countryside-another bright world - a beginning with "better" people, when suddenly, after paying up, you turn towards your car and see it full again -THE SAME CYCLE but what's good now is that you know who is really yours this time! 

So, while they drive down, people, I'll tell you something - know how it is when people tell you-"Nobody's really ours in life," I think I'll deny this for few are, but you've got to have an eye to look for them-

Oops, another tunnel ahead!

Don't believe me?

Look at the number of fellows before entering the tunnel,

Then, after exiting the tunnel.

Trust me -You will know the difference.

- Reveda Bhatt

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

My pen's view on nature - Yashraj Sharma


A big part of who we are or how we are recognised is the company we stay in, which means the type of people we are surrounded by.  

Mother nature is also filled with examples like this, like this picture I took today at the Pradhan Mantri Sanghralaya. Let me tell you the 2 ideas I came up with when I first saw this picture.

First, I thought that the part of the tree with the concrete wall in its background is the stage in a person's life when they have a fixed, enclosed and rigid mindset. But the part of the tree with the other trees in its background is part of a person's life when they are mixed with people with positive vibes and a "growth" mindset open to new thoughts and suggestions. This thought about the different perspectives of people depicted in this picture came to me from the 'My Guide Inside' session on Friday.

The second utterly different idea I came up with was that when the tree had the concrete wall in its background, it is the stage in a person's life when they sometimes get mixed in "negative" company. But the part of the photo where the tree has other lush green trees in its background. That is the stage when a person slowly progresses to be surrounded by people with positive feelings, thoughts, discussions and ideas.

These precious teachings and skills to live life to the fullest, provided by nature, are everywhere, just sitting in the landscape waiting to be discovered….

Yashraj Sharma

Grade: IX

Gyanshree School, Noida

Thursday, 3 March 2022

Happiness - Lisha Soni

Happiness is the opposite of sadness. It is an emotion and a feeling of being happy. When our soul is happy, we also will be satisfied. And its pure vibes naturally come from our hearts. Happiness is a source to live a life satisfying. Happiness can lead to robust mental health and can keep you physically fit. Helping someone makes us happy and refreshes our minds. 

Once in my colony, I was standing on my house balcony and seeing people roaming here and there a poor old man came. He was looking hungry, sad, and suffering from a cold. I went and asked him, " What happened to you don't have a shelter to live a happy life. " He said, " Child, I don't have anything. There is no one of mine in this world." I talked to him. He also talked about his sad story, and I listened to him. Then I gave something like food and a sweater and some clothes and slippers. He gave me lots of blessings, and he got happiness. If we spread joy, we will also bring pleasure.

Name: Lisha Soni
Grade: X A
The Fabindia School

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Friendship - Sayogita Kunwar

Friendship is the fragrance of a flower, 
Friendship is purity of heart,
Friendship is the flow of air.

Friendship is a beautiful part of our life. It is the second name of happiness. Whenever we feel down or exhausted, there will be a person who will be patting our head with vibes of relaxation. It is difficult to describe this as a bond because it's is widely spread era of joyfulness. Having a special friend in life is like having heaven on the land. A friend is like a shield that protects us from this cruel world. If you are blessed with such a friend, you are the luckiest person in the world. 

Never ever let go of your friend's hand; you are incomplete without them in your life.

Name: Sayogita Kunwar
Grade: XA
The Fabindia School

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