Showing posts with label warriors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label warriors. Show all posts

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Meet & Greet with Ambalika B

 - Jan 1, 2023, • 09:58 minutes
This episode has been published and can be heard everywhere. Listen on your favoured podcast app.

Meet and Greet at My Good School.
We invite authors, artists, mentors, creators and individuals who love to work with young people, inspire them and help them find their calling in life. This is how we spread the joy of learning at our school - Reading, writing and speaking, picking up values and virtues for life.

In the International Short Fiction Day podcast, we speak with Ambalika B, Author & Folklorist. She is Celebrating India's 75th year of Independence, one Indian folklore a week on 'Author Ambalika' @YouTube. Talks about #author #lifecoaching #personalbrand #communicationskills #emotionalintelligence

The Great Tribal Warriors of Bharat
Rupa Publications India
Authors: Tuhin A. Sinha  & Ambalika B

'In our 75th year of Independence… we needed quality literature about our great tribal freedom fighters. This book is a genuinely commendable start in that direction. —Arjun Munda, Minister of Tribal Affairs

The meticulous lines drawn out from the intricately woven Indian history narrate a tale of courage and patriotism, courteous and courageous fighters astounded the invaders with defiance for crumbling in pain their fragile and ancient machinery might lay down on the battlefield. Still, the spirit of freedom ignited further after losing. Indians unified is a resilient symbol of Pure Indian Strength; our most significant asset lies in our people.      

Our impregnable freedom is a culmination of the endeavours of numerous freedom fighters; the depths of oppression create such heights of character.

Our Independence was not a birthright. It was fought for with life and death by these tribal communities.  

Our first war of Independence was not in 1857.

Tribal mutinies against the British began at least 75 years before the 1857 revolution.

These battles were fought with traditional bows and arrows and spears and predated the reported political movement that came to the fore in the latter part of the nineteenth century. As we complete 75 years of Independence, it is only fair to acknowledge that a parallel freedom movement existed in our far-flung villages and jungles, away from the mainstream freedom movement recognised in the books of history. The Great Tribal Warriors of Bharat is a humble attempt to honour these largely unsung heroes of an epochal movement whose contribution remains largely unacknowledged.

The book begins with Tilka Manjhi, who unleashed guerilla warfare to combat the British and includes Jaipal Singh Munda, one of the most nuanced speakers of our Constituent Assembly, tracking the trajectory of this movement. These brave warriors came from all parts of India, including the Northeast and the South, and all tribes in the country. The book is a rare collection and a journey into self-discovery for our civilisation-turned nation. If you want to be a part of similar podcasts, join us.  

Our question and chat:

Anvesha : Life is complicated like a tangled ball of yarn but stories are those colourful, bright strings which need to be intricately intertwined along to narrate a tale full of splash, and that is the Beauty Of Life!

Rishona : Yes indeed and as we are here on National Short Story Day, we welcome you to My Good School Show Season 9 where passion meets education. Today I, Rishona 

Anvesha : and I, Anvesha will be your hosts for the event. We have a very special person here with us today, we have the co-author of the Great Tribal Warriors of Bharat Ms. Ambalika Bhat with us. We welcome you ma’am, would you like to speak a few words ma’am ? 

Rishona :  Thank you ma’am, it is great to be here alongside you on this day. Authors are simply like storytellers and stories are the way life works. 

Anvesha :  Yes we hear and tell stories everyday, when we need to narrate an incident to someone we tell a story or the time when a quick excuse is needed, our mouth blurts out the best story. 

Rishona : Yes, in order to learn something effectively, we often learn it as a story. Moreover, whenever we have to learn about values or lifeskills, then they are best learned as stories. 

Anvesha : Indeed, Ambalika ma’am what do you think about the role of stories in human life ? 

Rishona : Stories are indeed very important ma’am. They have a meaning which surely puts an impact in some way or the other.The Great Tribal Warriors of Bharat is definitely a book of one of a kind. I am sure ma'am that your book influenced you and motivated you in one way or the other. 

Anvesha:I absolutely agree with you. Each story influences us, it has a unique message that is portrayed throughout the tale. I personally love to read stories, of all kinds. Sometimes they are a means to elude from our everyday life and at other times, stories are advisors. Each story, each character, each message is a tie that connects us all. It is not the extravagance but the simplicity of stories that lies embedded in the minds of the readers leaving indelible impressions.  

Rishona: Stories can be used in a negative way but those which lend out a positive message, definitely inspire us,help us and some stories just touch our hearts. It is rightly said by Rudyard Kipling - “If history was taught in stories, it would never be forgotten.” To conclude, I would like to quote a line by A.C Benson " All the best stories in the world are one story in reality - The story of escape.It is the only thing that interests us all and at all times how to escape". 

Anvesha : With that, we come to the end of our podcast. Comment below and let us know if you liked our podcast. If you want to be a part of similar podcasts, join us. We hope to meet you soon again! That’s all for us today.

About the podcast

Stories surely have an impact on our lives.  In order to learn something effectively, we often learn it as a story. Moreover, whenever we have to learn about values or lifeskills, then they are best learned as stories. Afterall, our lives are our stories! On the occasion of National Short Story Day, we have come with a podcast with the co-author of The Great Tribal Warriors of Bharat. Join Rishona and Anvesha as they explore the vast world of stories.

Rishona Chopra and Anvesha Rana -  Hosts from Gyanshree School 

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