Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Caring - Rishona Chopra

We all must have heard about Caring. 

Caring is helping someone, right?

Yes, but we can do much more if we have a wide heart. We could heal emotions too. We should always do it with an open mind, dedication, and love when we do something. Similarly, when we care for someone, we should always do it with a kind heart because if we aren’t, then we aren’t caring, and maybe we are hurting them too.

Now I’d like to present a story on Caring.

Care but to make people strong

Once there used to live a boy who was always told the caring is sharing and one must care for others. He wondered why to care for others when we don’t want to? Why don’t we build them strong instead? If we keep helping them with every bit of thing, then they will be weak! This seemed like a silly idea to others, and it might seem to you too, but it’s actually right!!

Of course, we must help and care for people, especially friends but if we help them in every small thing things which they are capable of doing we are actually making them weak because, today we are helping them but not everybody will right and that way your friends might feel too tired to do a very simple work!!

The boy thought this, but others didn’t like his ideas. Some even started making fun of him! This made him really sad, and he stopped helping people. His mother seeing this, told him that it’s essential to help people. He told his mother his idea of caring. His mother said to him that it’s a good idea, but he should help people who need help and help them be emotionally intense.

He did as his mother said and helped himself be a stronger person and care for others!

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Courage - Vandya Agarwal


The true meaning of courage is mental and moral strength. The primary key to building courage is to have self-confidence. Courageous people are passionate and purposeful. 

Name: Vandya Agarwal, Grade: 7, The Doon Girls School

Be A Dreamer - Prarthana Rastogi

Everyone has the freedom to dream. It is a beautiful and soulful experience. Children of our age have dreams to become someone according to their likings and expect their parents to help them pursue it.

Hence, parents should encourage their children to dream and contribute to the process of fulfilling the same.

When parents have different expectations from their children, they do not realize they knowingly or unknowingly put their children under pressure.

As a result, the child, in fear of disappointing their parents, forget about their dreams and start following what their parents want them to be.

However, these people sometimes are not successful because their heart does not follow them, and their mind is not accepting it. 

As a child, I also dream of becoming a Sports Star. I love playing sports. I’m passionate about basketball, badminton, and cricket. 

If you have the determination and are mentally strong, you’ll surely be successful. 

Last but not least, parents should understand their children and support them in all ways to follow their hearts and pursue their dreams.

Name: Prarthana Rastogi
Grade: 8
The Doon Girls School

Reflections Since 2021