Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Autobiography of a curtain - Rishona Chopra

 Hi! I am a curtain. The most beautiful one you've ever seen. Hey! Don't think I am boasting; I am actually adorable. I have zig-zag patterns on my skin, and most important of all, I am transparent. That doesn't mean I am a ghost. I mean, you can see through my skin.

At the back, I have a window behind me, through which I can see beautiful sights. But there are a few disadvantages too. Firstly, the window is facing towards my back! So I can't really see the pictures unless a brilliant person puts me the other way! That way, I can enjoy, but those people are pretty few. They are hard to find. So that was my life with problems and problems.

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Friendship - Aarohi Bumtariya

Hmmm, what does friendship mean? Let me tell you what it does. Friendship means making close friends. For example, I have a friend named Amayra. She had been only in pre-nursery with me. I am in grade 3 now. Still, she is my friend. That is called true friendship.

I have lots of other friends too. There are trees, plants, birds and animals. All help us in one or the other way. We also help them. This tells us that in friendship, one must help the other.

That’s yet not done. I also have Aryama and Janya. They have helped me many times. Friendship does not only mean helping each other but also having fun. Janya, Aryama, Amayra and I went to a resort to stay together as well!!! Not only that but we went cycling together in Biodiversity Park too! It was fun.

May it be the sun, the moon, the clouds, nature or children. They are all my friends. I love and care for all of them.

Aarohi Bumtariya
Grade III
Gyanshree School

Giving - Aanya Kumar

‘Giving’ truly is a sense of gratitude and generosity. It is a life-changing act that can be experienced by everyone. Let us take the example of Doctor Sibal’s son, Devang’s maternal cousin.

Devaang’s cousin thought to do something bigger and better around Christmas. He saw two hungry children on the roadside and decided to feed them. Two children became four, four became eight, and soon eight became SIXTY- FOUR children. The original plan was to provide 200 children, and they ended up being more than 300 children. Watching a fourteen-year child doing something so generous is genuinely mesmerizing.

Being generous is not an arduous task to do. Our small contribution could make a big difference. We could give away our belongings that we are no longer using, but they are in good condition, such as toys, blankets, etc., to underprivileged people. This is the virtue to be learnt and practised by all.

Aanya Kumar
Gyanshree School
Grade 5