Sunday, 6 March 2022

Honesty- Aanya Kumar

Today we read about Honesty. We should all be honest and have integrity towards our parents, teachers, friends, siblings and all those around us. We should not lie about anything. My parents have never scolded me for anything that I have done by mistake and confessed about the same, honestly. Instead, they have always encouraged me to speak the truth.

A Chinese emperor did not have a child. He decided to call all the children of his area to his palace. He gave each of them a boiled seed which meant that it could never grow. He gave all the children a year. All the children had grown beautiful flowers, but one boy had nothing but an empty pot. One year passed by, but the situation remained the same. The emperor examined the pots and asked the boy about what had happened. The boy said he had taken care of it, but nothing happened. The emperor then disclosed the truth about the seed. The boy was made the heir of the emperor. 

This is an ideal example where Honesty was rewarded by great appreciation. All dare to lie but not to be honest.

Aanya Kumar
Gyanshree School
Grade 5

Goals - Trusha Sarkar

If we want to succeed in life, set a goal that commands our thoughts, liberates our energy and inspires our hopes.

Setting a goal is the first step that helps us turn the invisible into the visible; in other words, it motivates us to realize our dreams. 

Why is it necessary to set goals? My fellow mates' answer to this question is that realistic goals with time boundaries act as road maps that would guide us to show what we can achieve with the skills we possess and our real potential.

I would like to share with my readers - one tiny baby step that I have taken lately is that every morning when I wake up, the first thing that I do is to scribble in my dairy- a 'things-to-do' list. This helps me in prioritizing my tasks for the day. It has definitely helped me act in a little organized manner.

The Japanese believe everyone has an Ikigai- a reason to jump out of bed every morning.

Rightly said, 'A goal is a dream with a deadline.' I firmly believe that we should dream significant and, more importantly, follow it with sincere and consistent efforts. I am confident that we will be more focused and attain our objectives more smoothly with our goals rightly set.

To wrap up, let me expand the acronym GOALS:

G- Grow; O- One-step; A- At a time; L- Little by little, your; S- Steps will add up.

Grade 7
Trisha Sarkar 
The Doon Girls' School

Sharing what Honesty means to me

Our interns have given some short answers given by our Joy Of Learning Ambassador - Sunita Mehta:

The first name that comes to mind when I think of honesty is God. Any other word for honesty is uprightness. I am honest about myself. I tend to take the easier way out when I have no idea what I am doing.

Rishona Chopra

Grade V

Gyanshree School


When I think of honesty, the first name that comes to mind is my parents.

Another word for honesty is integrity.

I am honest about the work I do and my feelings.

I tend to take the easier route when confused about what to do. 

Arav Agarwal

Grade V

Billabong High International School Thane


The first name that comes to mind when I think of honesty is my Grandfather.

Another word for honesty is ethics. I am honest about my studies. I tend to take the easier way out when I get lost.


Varad Sadvilkar

Billabong High International School Thane, 



1. The first person that comes to mind when I think of honesty is mom                         

2. Another word for honesty is truth          

3. I am honest about myself                    

4. I tend to take the easier way out when I am stuck

Chahna Gandhi 

The Doon Girls School


An answer by one of our teachers:

1. The first person that comes to my mind when I think of honesty is my husband. 2. Another word for honesty could be courage. Honest people are naturally courageous. It takes a lot of courage to always remain truthful and not get lured by the benefits of telling a lie. 3. I am honest about myself in most situations. I try to stay honest in expressing myself to make lasting relationships. 4. I tend to take the easier way out when I have to do something that I do not wish to or when I have to be neutral in my tracks. 

Nibbrati Rathore

Teacher at Gyanshree School

Reflections Since 2021