Monday, 7 March 2022

A pencil's friends - Rishona Chopra

Hi! I am a pencil. A rather big one. I am yellow in colour and am grand and cute.  

I used to stay with two of my best friends, ' Eraser and Tip'. Eraser was red in colour and was so adorable. She used to sit on my back, and I loved it. Tip was black in colour and very sharp and used to sit in front of my face. They both were my true friends but now are gone!

My owner, no, my enemy took of Eraser from my back and tore him! How cruel. She sharpened Tip so much that he died! And without them, I was nothing at all, and now I am in the dustbin, telling you my sad story.

See how friends for life together with help us to write! Together as a team, they help us to do so many things!

We should be friends like a pencil who care and feel for each other!

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Gratitude - Miraya Bhatia

You might think gratitude and attitude are the same coincidentally, they even rhyme but they both are extremely different. Attitude is the opposite of gratitude.

Gratitude means to be grateful whereas attitude means to be rude. I have gratitude but I also show attitude when I am upset. A lot of people show an attitude when they are angry and even when they are happy as they want to make other people jealous but I will always be grateful and show gratitude to my friends. I don’t care if anyone is showing me attitude and trying to make me jealous and we must always remember that life is a cycle. You might have heard, “What goes comes back to you” and it is right if you show attitude to your friends they will show you the attitude that you gave them and the same for gratitude.

Miraya Bhatia
Grade IV
Gyanshree School

Honesty - Aria Gupta

If there is some devastating news for a person you know, and you don’t tell them, they will find out sooner or later. So, there is no point in lying about it. If you are lying about a mistake you made, your parents will definitely be angrier, for they will be angry about the error you made and how you lied. So, if there is no point in lying, why lie? This is because there is a voice inside us that tells us if we are honest, we will get into a whole lot of trouble, but it’s actually the opposite, our parents would be proud that we are honest, though they might try to hide it. So always understand that parents are secretly proud of us when we are honest. So be honest and true and never lie. 

Aria Gupta
Gyanshree School