Tuesday, 29 March 2022

The School Bell - Simar Kaur

It is bizarre how a school bell can affect one’s mood regularly. The first bell of the day is accompanied by yawns, people rubbing their eyes, cranky comments, and excitement for a new day (which is rare in my case). Ah, the first class is sports. The most beloved classroom is the playground, where there are no rules. You don’t have to stay quiet or tire your hand while making notes when surrounded by the beautiful green grass. I perceived it as starting the day with an ounce of freedom until you get trapped in the strict regimentation as you enter through the large doors. 

It is hard to sit down and study right after having an intense sweating session on the ground (which is very true for me since I sweat a lot). As soon as the bell rings, I go upstairs with the rest of the school and sit at my desk panting, drinking water and coughing. That was how I used to follow the bell and get myself prepped for the studying sessions which were to follow. 

When I had maths and physics, I sighed, made a face, and moved on. And in English, painting and computers I used to be excited unless I forgot the equipment at home. To put it in a nutshell, I think nothing besides the school bell has been able to alter my mood so quickly and efficiently. I mightn’t have learnt a life lesson because of the bell, but the fact that it makes the school building feel alive with pleasure or, at times, sadness makes the school, school for me. After two years of frustrating mobile alarms, the school building is alive again, and so is the bell! Simar Kaur Grade X Gyanshree School

If School Bells Could Talk - Aanya Kumar

"TRIIIIIIING! LUNCHTIME!" I would say this every day at noon. Neither a second before nor a second after. I am always on time. However, I am not taken seriously by my folks. I am there in schools so that children learn to be disciplined. Sometimes teachers need teaching too. I am more like a principal of the school. Strict, disciplined and most importantly, very (and I mean VERY) punctual. Here's how my days go. I wake up sharp at eight, and my first words are always "Morning, School!" Next, I talk to the real principal. "Second Period" and "Third Period" and so on till SEVEN periods!. That's how my days end. Moreover, I have to say the same thing every day just for punctuality in children. What a tiring job I have. "TRIIIIIIING! SIXTH PERIOD!" I may be found irritating to those who love the concept being taught during class timings and a lifesaver for those who are getting bored. But now you know… I am way more than that. I am the timetable of those who don't value my friend's time.

Aanya Kumar

Podar International School

Grade 6B

Sunday, 27 March 2022

The School Bell

Refections from the reading session on the 27th of March 2022. 
We are reading My Good School Where Passion Meets Education by Sandeep Dutt.
Published by Rupa Publications, available online and in Kindle format at bookstores.

You will definitely hear the school bell ring in your head whenever you lend your ear to it! The sound of the school bell has a certain amount of energy that makes the adrenaline flow, and we look forward to the next hour. 

The first bell of the day brings in great energy as enthusiastic young, and fresh minds come racing into the school gates. The day will see the entry and exit of fun and joy in the class, till the last bell that leaves the campus devoid of energy and seems like the sunset hour in midday.

Perhaps our first lessons in time management are rendered to us by this innocuous bell that may sound jarring at first but part of our growing years. A school period blocks time allocated for lessons, classes, or other school activities. They typically last between 40 and 60 minutes, with around 3-8 periods per school day. Educators determine the number and length of these periods and may even regulate how each period will be used. 

Managing time is really the first challenge for all of us at school; using the 40 odd minutes to ensure learning and capture the imagination is always the biggest challenge for teachers and students alike. 

Perhaps our first lessons in time management are rendered to us by this innocuous bell! 

The race against time, the need to complete the lesson plan, ensure good understanding and give the students the absolute joy of learning between two bells is not an easy task for even the best teachers. How best you use your limited time determines your effectiveness as a teacher or a mentor for a group of learners. There are thus crucial questions to be answered, keeping in mind that the next bell will ring soon- What do I do? When do I do it? How well do I do it?

Our life sets a limit of time, and this is indeed the wealth we often do not value in our quest for materials and the race to beat others to it. 

“...there will be sleeping enough in the grave....” by Benjamin Franklin. 

Hear the bell, find the energy, think for yourself and make a conscious decision about how best you will use your time. Remember the school bell and hear it always ring; let it not make life uncomfortable but instead help you enjoy every moment and be the master of your time. Time management alone will help you find yourself and live a joyous life.

The views expressed above are of Sandeep Dutt alone, and you are welcome to comment and share your thoughts with him by email to sd@ebd.in, please. For more about the author, please visit www.SandeepDutt.com.

Reflections Since 2021