Monday, 25 April 2022

Online to Offline School: A Journey for the young - Aanya Kumar

The last two years have been a setback for everyone. Suddenly everything was shut down. However, no one can compare the hardships students and teachers faced during the pandemic to anything else. Some students took advantage of this by either skipping some classes or cheating on exams. Some people were still loyal and truthful towards the school and themselves. 

The first year was skimmed through. The second year made everyone miss the school bus honking near their buildings. As offline school has resumed, students face issues regarding waking up on time for school. However, students can interact more with their teachers. Of course, we also missed talking to our friends during the online schooling. 

The reprimands of teachers were something our ears had been waiting for. Muting and unmuting were complicated, and now we can speak whenever we want. So, this phase of students' hearts being broken and then put together again was a complicated but exciting journey.

Aanya Kumar
Podar International School
Grade 6 B

Sunday, 24 April 2022

If I were a character in a Book I would be ... by Arav Agarwal

Books and characters take us to places where we have to stay where we are, and there are times when we are fascinated by the characters and their qualities that we aspire to be like them. If I were a character in a book, I would be Tom from the series Tom Gates by Liz Pichon.

The character Tom inspires me because he does not have any superpowers, and Tom is like one of us. Still, he is active, intelligent, solution-oriented and loves trying new activities. In one of his books called ‘Super Good Skills’, things did not go the way he wanted, but he made it fun for himself and his family with his qualities. Tom transports me to his school, classroom, home, on his school trips and at his friend’s house, where he teaches so many life values like friendship, being courageous, communication ways and keeping a positive attitude. The most important thing is that he does everything in a fun and enjoyable way. With him, I get motivated to be a better person, give my best in whatever I do and make this world a better place. I love to be in the brilliant world of Tom Gates. 

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 5C
Billabong High International School, Thane

Student Leader: Mentor or Monitor? - Anvesha Rana


Great Leaders don't tell you what to do, 
they show how it's done.

There is always a significant role for the monitor in every class, and there are many criteria for selecting a monitor. Usually, a monitor is the most disciplined and ideal student, but a monitor cannot actually help anyone. A class needs a Mentor or a Student Leader, the one who can take up tasks with zeal, do them with endurance, and ensure contributions from each student. A Student Leader is not an ideal student, but it is someone who is appreciated by all for everything that they do.  

A Real Leader should be the one who carries immutable values and respect for the past. A Real Leader may be older than you, but they will still treat you the same. Leaders should be amiable and charming personalities who are diplomatic in their terms. We all have a Leader within ourselves; we just need to recognise it. Student Leaders are within all of us. 

Today we read the last chapter of the book 'My Good School', and there are many things that I learned from this book. Primarily that school is much more than brick-and-mortar and is actually land that has come to life. A School can become a Good School only through Students Mentors, Happy Teachers and Dynamic Leaders. We view the different aspects of School through this book, and if you read this book, then there is one thing for sure you will also realise that School is FUN!

Anvesha Rana, Grade 10-B, Gyanshree School