Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Hope - Gaurangi Rastogi

Please read The Little Book of Values:
Educating Children to become Thinking, Responsible and Caring Citizens.

People talk about hope whenever you are stuck in a difficult situation.

But what is hope? Sometimes this question clicks my mind. It is a step that motivates you to reach your destination or aim to be achieved. 

Recently, I travelled to 'Char Dham Yatra'. Which is enjoyable. When I saw the track, I felt disappointed. It was a tiring journey, but something inside kept my excitement alive.

I think that's hope!

Hope never lets your aspirations or dreams die. It keeps it alive in your heart. Some examples of maintaining hope in my daily life:

Hope of mummy making something good in Lunch.

Hope that my family to bring surprises on my birthday 

Hope of going to park and cycle 3 rounds without stopping.

Gaurangi Rastogi 
The Doon Girls' School 

On Hope - Afifa Fatima

Please listen to my first podcast, and share your comments below.

"I love my school; we learn from friends, teachers and family".

Afifa Fatima
Grade VI
The Doon Girls & Boys School

Sunday, 29 May 2022

Report Card - Sunita Mehta

Hoping for the best, fearing the worst,
Report card day brought jitters to even the best!
Oh! for the Gods to show mercy, I was not all that pricey,
While fate couldn't be challenged, it could be shared, 
Distributed evenly among friends and siblings,
A red line on every report card was not a bad ask! 
Eternity was walking up to the teacher, 
hoping for the best, fearing the worst.

Sunita Mehta
Joy Of Learning mentor and headmistress at Gyanshree School Noida.