Saturday, 11 June 2022

Poem on Humility - Arav Agarwal

Humility comes from simplicity;
It teaches us equality. 

Humility strengthens connectivity;
Fills our life with positivity.
Kindness, Compassion, Gratitude
Are humble person’s attitude.
Treat each other with respect and dignity
And always practice the value of humility.

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 6A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Billabong School Song - Arav Agarwal

Totto-chan's School Song helped me connect with my school's song, Billabong High International School, Thane. I love my school song and am happy to share it with everyone.

Billabong High is a fun place to be

To learn to have fun, there's a lot to see.

As you grow up and go to a higher class

And recap what you have done

And soon you'll pass

It's an exciting place for children

And they look forward to going there

Not only do they get an education, but,

They get individual love and care.

You will be a proud graduate

And one day, you will say

I went to Billabong High and see what I am today.

I went to Billabong High and see what I am today.

I went to Billabong High and see what I am today.

Name; Arav Agarwal
Grade: 6A
Billabong High International School, Thane

My Good School Season 2, Episode 5

2nd of July 2022