Sunday, 12 June 2022

Eurythmics - Rishona Chopra

Eurythmics is the art of rhythmic education. We can listen to a song, but very few can relate to the beats and rhythm. Once you do that, mastering dance and music is like taking candy from a baby with hard work and dedication.

Rhythmic education makes the body and mind equally developed in harmony and peace.
At Tomoe, the headmaster has added Eurythmics as a subject in his school. He teaches students to change their body steps with the beats. It increases focus too.

When I was learning the piano, my piano teacher sang a song, and I had to play the beats with one key. Now, I understand he was teaching me Eurythmics. I am grateful to him for teaching me what I know today.

Having eyes but not seeing beauty; having ears, but no hearing music; having minds but not perceiving truth; having heart that are never moved and therefore never set on fire are the things to fear of.

Children could be taught to hear and feel music in their minds rather than just with their ears; how to make them feel music as a thing of movement rather than a dull, lifeless subject; how to awaken a child’s sensitivity.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Ahlcon's Eyes On The Skies - Slooh

Slooh India partners with Slooh and spreads the joy of learning with community Astronomy.

Witness the beautiful Blood Moon Eclipse of 16th May. Hope you enjoy this excellent presentation!

Slooh makes real-world, real-time space exploration accessible for every student without the hassle of purchasing, storing, and maintaining a fleet of expensive student-grade telescopes.

Presented by (members of Slooh Astronomy Club):
Vanshika, Dakshya and Daksha

Saturday, 11 June 2022

Lunar Eclipse - Dakshya Mishra

Right here is an image of the lunar eclipse on the 16th of May as the Moon reached totality. The photo was taken from Mobile 3, active during the great eclipse! Believe me, it wasn't visible here in India. Total Lunar eclipses aren't as rare as they happen occasionally. Hope you enjoy this wonderful image!

Dakshya Mishra of Class 8-D Ahlcon Public School has been a member of Slooh since December 2021. He has earned 12119 gravity points, loads and observations and is active all day!

Join a global community, and explore space via a network of robotic mountaintop telescopes.