Monday, 13 June 2022

The Sunday School

 Why should you join My Good School?

Tomoe Gakuen - Rishona Chopra

A unique school it is,
A bright shine it has,
No rules for studying or going in the pool, It was truly so cool!

The headmaster was a musician, And he had great ambitions! He wanted students to learn with passion and fun, He let the play in the gardens and run!

I wish I too went to this school,
There truly would be no strict rules!
They let students learn at their pace,
So that they learnt with grace.

They visited a hot spring at such a young age,
It kept them so engaged.
 It is such a unique place,
It was something to embrace!

I wish I studied there,
But I too have a lot of fun here!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 12 June 2022

My Tantrums As A Child - Gaurangi Rastogi

 My childhood was a colourful one. Full of life, fun and tantrums. Whenever I talk about my childhood to my family, they say, “Beta, you were so fussy about anything you wanted.” 

I still remember one of them: a fuss about a dress! 

Really on a dress! 

I was 5 and very passionate about Disney princesses; my favourite was Cinderella. I wanted a dress like hers, which was unavailable in my hometown. So, I told my Papa to ask my aunt and bring it whenever she visited me. I did not eat anything for weeks when she got the dress. I rejoiced and kept it for my next birthday. For years, I just kept procrastinating about wearing the dress. It’s just kept in my closet and has fungus on it. 

There are many stories like this in my life, but this story made me realise that there is a reason behind our parent’s deeds. 

Gaurangi Rastogi 
The Doon Girls School