Sunday, 17 July 2022

खिड़की के पास - रिशोना चोपड़ा


जब मैं कक्षा में प्रवेश करता हूं तो सभी छात्र कुर्सी पर खड़े होकर एसी बंद कर देते हैं या कभी-कभी एसी भी काम नहीं करता है! इसके बाद, मैं कुर्सी पर खड़ा होता हूं और खिड़कियां खोलता हूं और पूरी कक्षा हवा और बारिश का आनंद लेती है। इस तरह हम स्कूल में बारिश और प्रकृति का आनंद लेते हैं

रिशोना चोपड़ा कक्षा VI
ज्ञानश्री स्कूल

You're Really A Good Girl - Rishona Chopra


" You're Really A Good Girl," said the headmaster to Totto-chan and the better part is that Totto-chan agreed with him; now that's what I call - self-esteem and self-love. 

It was not that she wasn't a good girl; she was a really good girl. She was kind and helpful, but always curious took the better of her. It always got her into trouble! I wonder what a marvellous friend she would be!  

Telling a young child that he/she is a good girl/ boy is really good. It means to say that - Some people may not think we are good, but your character is not bad. It has an excellent great deal, and I know that. Maybe someone makes us believe we are not great, but when we have one person who tells us that he believes in us and likes us, doesn't it feel great even if it is your friend. These words instil self-confidence in us, which is very important.

So, today let's give ourselves a message that we are great girls and boys!
Totto-chan, you're great,
You're someone with who I can relate,
You are kind,
You help the blind.
You are sweet,
You acted like you were meat!
You have amazing skills,
You bravely climb hills.
You wanted to be a ticket seller,
But you could even be a storyteller!
You want to be a spy and a musician,
You truly have a great ambition.
You're talkative and have so much to tell,
You're a great rebel.
I wish I were a bit more like you!
And that's true!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

My Aspirations - Gaurangi Rastogi

Childhood has been miserable,

Because you have to learn something basic,

When we grow up as a teen 

I got pressured to top the boards 

I got pressured to become a doctor 

Will the world still accept if I am something else?

I feel like running away from home, 

I think I am not safe in my home sweet home, 

I want to speak to this world, 

I have my aspirations,

To change the mindset of the people 

Who judges me based on occupation,

Who are you to control me? 

I am a phoenix who takes the rebirth from its ashes

Which is from its failures.

If you control me, 

I will control you every time,

As you made my life miserable

I will make yours, 

At the end of the story 

I have my aspirations! 

Gaurangi Rastogi 

Class VII 

The Doon Girls’ School