Saturday, 23 July 2022

प्रकृति और मै - आरव अग्रवाल

जैसे बोलू और भैरा बहुत अच्छे मित्र थे, साथ मे स्कूल जाते थे। बोलू को प्रकृति अच्छी लगती थी और जैसे ही वह स्कूल पहुँचता, वह खिड़की खोलकर बाहर देखने लगता। उसे बहुत मज़ा आता था। बोलू की तरह मुझे भी सुबह खिड़की से बाहर देखना बहुत अच्छा लगता है। हरे-भरे पेड़ और पौधे, हरियाली और ठंडी वायु मुझे बहुत अच्छी लगती है। प्रकृति मे मेरा मन शांत रहता है और मुझे लिखने की कल्पना आती है। प्रकृति से हमे यह सीख मिलती है कि हमे स्वार्थरहित रहना चाहिए।

नाम: आरव अग्रवाल  
कक्षा 6 ए 
बिलाबोंग हाई इंटरनेशनल स्कूल, ठाणे

Autobiography of a Pillow - Rishona Chopra

Hi there! It's me who gives you a good night's sleep and helps you maintain a lifestyle. Wait, you don't recognize me? I am your one and only pillow! 

This message is specifically for those naughty kids who think I don't know or feel anything. It all started with hitting me out of anger and then for fun, too, and they made it a game. They made a game for pillow wrestling! I mean, what do they think? That I am some non-living person who has no life? 

This is injustice, and I even went to the court of pillows, and the judge declared that they would take revenge. So little kids and old adults, listen up; you better stop now!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Thursday, 21 July 2022

My Passion - Rishona Chopra

Starting with a dream to become a teacher,

Thinking that I had that feature,

Then wanted to be a ballerina,

And present a show in Argentina!

I then wanted to be a rebel,

Or become a fairy and cast a spell.

Now finally, I want to become a doctor,

And a wonderful daughter.

A neurosurgeon perhaps,

And if I fail, I wouldn't collapse.

I have so many dreams to fulfil,

I really don't know which one to start with!

I could be a writer,

And be even brighter,

Most important of all, I want to be a good person,

And make sure things don't worsen!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School