Sunday, 14 August 2022

A friend whom I lost - Gaurangi Rastogi

Date-12th August 2020
Time-1:00 pm 
It was a rainy day filled with sadness; I can still feel the moment as it was a changing point in
my life. I lost a friend who gave me happiness while she was in her bad times. A friend who
never spoke anything about her illness. Can you imagine? How does it feel when you lose
your friend whom you grew up with? I can still feel her presence around me. Her name was
Shyra. We always had a kind cultural diversity within us. During my holidays, I still visit the gurdwara and think about her. She wanted to become an author and publish her words. I used to call her Miss. Austen ( Jane Austen). She wanted to enter IFA ‘ International Fashion Academy’ in Paris for Fashion Journalism. She was an aspiring fashion designer and journalist. But, there was a time when we were shocked.

The words I can use to describe her:-
 Happy
 Carefree
 A sister 
 A friend to the needy
I made a mistake: ‘ I abandoned her when she was ill.’
If she can see me, 
Shyra, I am sorry to abandon you.
Gaurangi Rastogi 
Class VII
The Doon Girls’ School

A Miracle In The Sky - Rishona Chopra

Miracles are those little blessings God showers on us. It is that magic in our life that protects us. 

While sitting on my balcony, I saw the sky and thought maybe it was a miracle in heaven. Perhaps something good is on our way. If we fall off a swing and get a fracture but heal soon, that is a miracle. Not everybody heals soon and lives their life, but some do, and those who do have a miracle in their life. Perhaps your life was sad, but a strange, cute puppy made you happy. That puppy is a miracle. 

If you didn't study for an exam but passed, that is a miracle. (Do study for your exams, though)! Miracles may come as challenges, but miracles make us stronger. There is always a miracle in one's life. Maybe it is really small; you just need to have the courage to see it.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Ordinary Lives - Anvesha Rana

Let's not strive for extraordinary lives, 
Let's not make success a goal, 
but let us make Spreading Happiness
our role. 

Let it be ordinary but ensure it is happy, 
Let it be simple but ensure it is fun, 
Let it be calm but ensure it speaks tons. 

Help others find the wonder and 
a marvel of the ordinary life, 
Discover pleasure in tasting 
apples, plums and tomatoes. 

Show others how to cry, 
when pets and people die
and show them how to laugh, 
when we lose after a tie. 

Let it be how you want, 
or let it just go with the flow, 
Don't change it for anybody else's rant
for it is your life when it is high
or when it is low. 

Make the ordinary come alive for them, 
and the extraordinary will just go. 

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School