Sunday, 4 September 2022

Swami and Friends - Anvesha Rana

Swami loves being amiable to everyone, especially to his best friends. He loves Somu for his geniality, Sankar for his intelligence, The Pea for his connection, Mani for his strength and Rajam for his personality. Swami is a fun-loving boy; his friends mean the world to him. Often friendships are a two-way street; if one of the givers in a bond of friendship stops contributing, this bond can also break. 

Something similar happened when Swami became friends with Rajam and unintentionally pushed Somu, Sankar and Samuel out of his life. Still, when Swami realized his mistake, it was too late to correct it. 

We pamper new people and forget the ones whom we have known forever. We often have so many desires that we change friends and relations to fulfil all our wishes. But fulfilling our desires does not lie in completing them but in controlling them. 

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School

Patience @ My Good School, a Podcast by Learning Forward

The rainy month of August brings us to another unique topic - Patience! Anvesha and Simar are back as our hosts! 

'Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one in your mind. It is not passively waiting; it is how we behave while waiting and whether we keep going even if things are hard.'


Patience is truly a vital virtue on the road to success. But what does Patience mean to you? Can you remember any instances where you were patient? Who is the most patient person you know? Do you think Patience can be found in small things? Make sure to ponder these questions and share your thoughts in the comments section! Tune in to listen to our special guests - Arav and Monisha ma'am - as they share their valuable thoughts with us. 

So, please grab a cup of hot coffee, sit near the window, watch the rain and listen to our upcoming podcast. Comment below and let us know if you liked the podcast. If you want to be part of similar podcasts, join us! We hope to meet you again when we return with a podcast on 'Peace' next month. 

My Good School celebrates Patience and has developed this podcast, scripted and produced by our interns!

Anvesha Rana and Simar Kaur - Hosts from Gyanshree School, Noida

Arav Agarwal - Guest from Billabong High International School, Thane

Monisha Datta - Guest from The Doon Girls' School, Dehradun

Enjoy our shows on
You will love the stories our students, teachers, and passionate educators share.

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Saturday, 3 September 2022

The Friendship of the Oven and The Fridge - Rishona Chopra

Hello my friends! Oh wait, don't hug me just now, you see I am very hot, I might burn you and then you would never talk to me again. Well, why am I so hot that no one can touch me? I was born this way and I am not proud of it! I hate it, I need more coldness in life, I deserve to be colder and not warmer. Because of this very extra ordinary blessing, which is really not a blessing, I don't have many friends but I have one best friend and that is Fridge. Now this was my side of the story, let's hear it from Fridge!

Hey there! As you might have guessed, I am very cold and I truly need more warmth.Even though I am cold I do not have a cold heart but I very warm and caring one. It's lucky that our owners kept oven and me together. He gives me warmth and I give him the touch of coldness he needs. Our lives have been extraordinarily twisted but we made the best of it!

Fridge and Oven