Sunday, 16 October 2022

Guru Bhakti - Rishona Chopra

You were the one who held my hand, 
You were the one who made me understand.
You don't just have a fantastic carrier,
You make me and many others happier.
You are a superhero,
You would be sweet and understanding even if I got a zero.
You have so many features,
I am proud to say you are my teacher.
You helped me to bring out my best,
You took care of the rest. 
You have so many features,
I am proud to say you are my teacher.
You can be strict,
And very smartly solve a conflict.
You can be sweet and kind,
But somehow, you hide your tired face behind.
You stay up late just to check your notebooks,
And make sure we read exciting books.
You teach us selflessly,
And very carefully.
You have so many features,
I am proud to say you are my teacher.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Space Highlights Of The Month Of August - Rishona Chopra

The new image from the Hubble Space Telescope captures a galaxy named SGAS J143845+145407, located in the northern BoΓΆtes, one of the most prominent constellations in the sky. The mirror image of the galaxy at the centre of this new photo results from strong gravitational lensing. This astronomical phenomenon can warp, magnify or even duplicate the appearance of distant galaxies"Gravitational lensing occurs when a massive celestial body — such as a galaxy cluster — causes a sufficient curvature of spacetime for the path of light around it to be visibly bent, as if by a lens," according to a statement from the European Space Agency (ESA). "Appropriately, the body causing the light to curve is called a gravitational lens, and the distorted background object is referred to as being 'lensed.'"

At the centre of the new Hubble image, the bright light emanating from SGAS appears as an arc or ring around either side of the object that lies between the distant galaxy and the space telescope. The image also captures several other galaxies and celestial objects scattered across space. Gravitational lensing also allows astronomers to observe objects that would otherwise be too far away or too faint to be seen. The distortion caused by the foreground object acts as a natural magnifying glass, zooming in on more distant celestial objects. The recent image of galaxy SGASJ143845+145407 was taken as part of a larger Hubble initiative to study galaxies of the early universe using gravitational lensing to examine the galaxies up close." The lensing reveals details of distant galaxies that would otherwise be unobtainable, allowing astronomers to determine star formation in early galaxies," ESA officials said. "This, in turn, gives scientists a better insight into how the overall evolution of galaxies has unfolded."

At the beginning of the month, JWST captured images of the Cartwheel galaxy. The Cartwheel, located about 500 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Sculptor in the southern sky, is a rare type of galaxy that astronomers call a ring galaxy. Scientists believe the Cartwheel was a typical spiral galaxy long ago, similar to our Milky Way. This galaxy formed due to a high-speed collision about 400 million years ago. The Cartwheel comprises two rings, a bright inner ring and a colourful outer ring. Both rings expand outward from the centre of the collision like shockwaves. However, despite the impact, much of the character of the large, spiral galaxy that existed before the crash remains, including its rotating arms. This leads to the "spokes" that inspired the name of the Cartwheel Galaxy, which are the bright red streaks seen between the inner and outer rings. 

These brilliant red hues, located not only throughout the Cartwheel but also in the companion spiral galaxy at the top left, are caused by glowing, hydrocarbon-rich dust. In this near- and mid-infrared composite image, MIRI data are coloured red, while NIRCam data are coloured blue, orange, and yellow. Webb's observations capture the Cartwheel in a very transitory stage. Given these two competing forces, the form that the Cartwheel Galaxy will eventually take is still a mystery. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Reference: Galacita Monthly Space Magazine

The greatest gift - Rishona Chopra

The greatest gift we want to give to our loved ones every day, at every moment, is happiness. We spend time with them, buy them physical comforts, and support them, yet they are sometimes unhappy. Most likely, it is because we are unhappy. Happiness is energy, not matter. Just by being happy ourselves and being happy while discharging our responsibilities, our happy vibrations radiate and trigger the happiness frequency in our loved ones and uplift their state of mind to happiness.

Have you sensed that you need to make much more effort in sustaining your roles and responsibilities if your mind is unhappy? Despite your extra steps to care for and provide for them, are your family and friends unhappy with you? Does it leave you wondering what more you should have done? We often quantify our efforts and measure our loved ones’ happiness against it. The truth is, how much we do for people doesn’t matter. What matters is how happy we were while doing everything.

While caring for people or doing something for them, let us not create thoughts of stress, fear, anxiety, anger or pain. Otherwise, our negativity is sure to deplete people we do so much for, not allowing them to be happy with us. Without being happy, you cannot give happiness to others. Be happy and do everything that you need to do. It’s your energy which influences their happiness.

Remind yourself – “I am an embodiment of happiness. Being happy myself and taking care of people keeps my loved ones happy.” When you experience unconditional happiness, you have nothing but happiness to give everyone. You don’t even have to offer; it automatically radiates. From today, let bliss be your natural way of living. Let nothing and no one pull you down. In every scene, contribute towards creating a happy family, workplace and world by always being happy.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School