Sunday, 13 November 2022

The Subtle Art Of Writing 📜 - Oshi Singh

-The Bewitching View Of My Wonderland-

Hey, I am Oshi Singh from Gyanshree. I am also an intern at the Joy Of Learning Program. Some of you might know me because of my posts on the joy of learning diaries. I am writing this article to pay tribute to My Good School for helping me find the missing 'ME' time in my life. The Sunday School has also helped me immensely, especially as a writer.

Finding time to read every week and learning how to be a better person, the weekly conversations always help me a lot. Also, reading other people's life experiences and getting the best out of them is a new skill that I developed here at My Good School.

The teachers and interns here have become like family to me. It has made me believe that this is where passion meets education.

I am thankful to everyone here who is helping me develop into a better human being and giving me excellent life opportunities. I look forward to getting to know the people better and collaborating with them. Also, after reading this, I hope some of you would like to join our family and make it grow bigger and wiser!

People have been writing as far as mankind can recollect; we have come a long way, from random ancient letters to a modern stable form of Writing. Writing, for me, holds an extraordinary place in my heart. While writing, I find a special feeling that is a little difficult to express, but if I try, it is something like peace. It is hard to find but harder to get rid of when discovered. When I write, I feel the greatest. I feel like Alice in Wonderland or Harry Potter at Hogwarts. Nothing compares to the feeling you get when you simply write while sitting on your balcony at the height of your society's building. Watching every single bird, car and plane pass while you write. Watching everyone look so tiny except for yourself, who is busy roaming and enjoying their fantasy world. It is the closest I can get to nature while living in cities. 

Writing for some is a doodle, while it is a tough row to hoe for some. The biggest misconception about Writing is that it's limited to schools and colleges, but I differ. I believe it is about an expression of thoughts. Writing is telling your tale and unravelling your thoughts on the blank page. It is about capturing your past and living your present. It is about making memories. 

Writing a journal is an excellent start to mastering this art. While writing in your journal, you don't need to care about spelling and grammar or its presentation. All you have to do is write; that's how I started, and You can too! The more and more you write, the better you get at the language and, more importantly, being able to clearly convey who you are and what's on your mind. People may or may not like it, but you will become more comfortable and confident about yourself. Reading books is also a great way to start writing! 

Sunday School is a live example. While we read stories of the greatest writers in history here every Sunday. We, too, write the most exciting and intriguing reflections and stories by aspiring writers. Later we post it on the Joy Of Learning Diaries, making it available for a lifetime and tracing a mark of our start. 

Finally, I hope you got my point, as Writing is more than making meaningful sentences. So why don't you give it a shot right now? After all, you're never too late to miss the train, and even if you do, take a deep breath & relax. There's another one coming your way, and you are on time for YOUR train! 

Oshi Singh
Gyanshree School 

Thursday, 10 November 2022

My Hero: My Dad - Vani Pandey

 My Dad is my hero

A huge humble soul

In everything he does 

He would always serve his role

But as every other father

He would annoy me with his jokes

And then I would rather

Start reciting my wise quotes

Then he would say,

"Don't call me later; call me Dad."

But I just love him this way

Cause, after all, it's the dads who are so talented at making these jokes so bad.

So I just say nothing 

For the sake of his kind heart.

He is my dear Dad

Who delightfully plays his part.

Vani Pandey


Gyanshree School 

My Wisdom Pot - Yashraj Sharma


Here's my wisdom pot!
Yashraj Sharma 
Grade VIII 
Gyanshree school