Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Reflection topic – I am responsible for … Annaya Raj Gurung

 Reading with Jugjiv Sir

There are a lot of things I am responsible for like studying well, doing my homework on time, eating healthy, being nice and kind to the people around me. As the class monitor, I am responsible for minding the class when the teacher is not there, taking the copies down to the staffroom, bringing them back up and distributing the copies. My other responsibilities are to make my bed once I get up, wash my plate after I eat and help with the household chores. 

The most important responsibility I have is of myself, I am responsible for my thoughts and actions, I am responsible for the way I communicate and behave, I am responsible for my mistakes and to make sure I don’t repeat them and I am responsible for my well-being and happiness.


~Annaya Raj Gurung~

Grade IV 

Tashi Namgyal Academy, Gangtok

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

I am responsible for - Aria Gupta

I take full responsibility for whatever mistake I have made in the past, even if it's just a spelling mistake. For me, they are not something to regret but to accept. We all make mistakes; there is no such thing as a 'perfect person'. The good thing about mistakes is that they can teach us essential values that nobody else will.

Our class was recently assigned a group project to do in Science. My group decided to make the task so fancy that we couldn't complete it in time, thus getting a big, fat zero. I learnt that we should make things easy and beautiful simultaneously. Even though this error will probably affect my grade, it doesn't matter as long as I learnt something.

It's beautiful if you make an error like this; everybody makes mistakes.

Aria Gupta
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

I am responsible for... - Rishona Chopra

There are quite a few things we have control over. We often try to grasp something we cannot control. We notice and try to change others, their habits and choices. When, in reality, we only have control over ourselves. Another aspect is understanding that we are responsible for ourselves. Our decisions are purely ours. 

Often, we try to blame others for our reactions. If I submit my project late, I blame the internet, but was it really the internet's fault that it stopped working and that my project was lost? Should I have been more proactive and worked on an offline platform or saved my work?

I have also noticed that I start blaming others for my own mistakes unconsciously without realising it. 

When we get sick, do we not blame the weather for changing? Do we think that our immunity should have been stronger? Do we think that this weather change is caused by us humans only? Most of us blame the weather as if it is controlled by someone, not us. 

Life is like a book, and we are the author. The book takes a turn of events, but it all happens before the author, and the conclusion is the author's choice. Several characters in that book influence and help in the formation of the story, but it is the author's thinking that makes the difference. 

I am responsible for whatever I do and any action I take. I am responsible for myself. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Reflections Since 2021