Monday, 24 July 2023

"APPRECIATION" - Geetankshi Tamta

Small word, huh? Sure is, but it holds a tremendous meaning.

Appreciation- A feeling or expression of admiration or gratitude. 

Is that it? I don't think so. 

We often describe 'appreciation' as a core value. When in reality, it's a habit.

Yup! You read it right. Appreciation is not a value. It's a habit which you have to practice daily. 

Now You must be wondering why you should practice appreciation? Shouldn't it come from the heart?

Well, yes, my wonderful readers, you are right. It should come from the heart. But for that too, you must be conscious enough to realize the good things happening around you. In a world full of negativity, consciously and willingly choosing to look at the bright side of everything is what makes appreciation a habit.  

To appreciate something, you should take the time and patience to realize its value, whether it's an opportunity, a thing, or even a person. You can't appreciate a three-course meal you get each day unless you stop complaining about the taste of the food or about how much you hate potatoes. And take time to realize how blessed you are to receive that meal. You won't be able to appreciate your friend's efforts if you won't stop complaining about their bad jokes or loud laugh. Take time and appreciate them for their companionship and support. Instead of being upset with your mother for not buying you that colour box, try appreciating her for her kindness and love for you.

The world can be a whole different place if everyone starts appreciating each other for all the good things they do instead of complaining about their faults; we have to be conscious of actions to make appreciation a habit.

And as Mahatma Gandhi said- 

Your beliefs become your thoughts,

Your thoughts become your words,

Your words become your actions,

Your actions become your habits,

Your habits become your values,

Your values become your destiny. 

So, let's start it today. From now on, each day take a few minutes from your day to sit alone. And with a deep breath, think of all the amazing things and people you can appreciate in your life. Trust me. It will make a huge difference [in a wonderful way]. 

P.S.- It is my first-ever blog.

Written by-

Geetankshi Tamta

(Brand, PR & Marketing Agent at My Good School)

Saturday, 22 July 2023

"PEOPLE are more important than THINGS" - Nishan Karki

"Most of the important things in the world have been

accomplished by people who have kept on trying 

when there seemed to be no hope at all."

~Dale Carnegie

People and things are very different from each other. People are social beings who can communicate, interact, work, play, and share their thoughts, ideas, emotions and opinions, like other things. Things cannot do all the activities mentioned above. People possess many important values which make them more

important than things. Things are just objects which have a physical presence. Things include utensils, stationery, chair, table, electronics, etc. People only gave the ideas to invent these things. It shows that things exist because of the people who invented them. Therefore people are more important than things.

There are many reasons why people are more important than things. Some of them are listed below:

● People can take care and look out for each other, but things do not. We were not born, nourished and raised by things. It was our parents who did things. Parents are the people who were our first and foremost teachers who taught us to walk, eat, speak, play and help us to know about things.

● People can give us happiness and satisfaction more than things. There are only a few people who get satisfaction and happiness from things. But for most of us, we get satisfaction and happiness from people. People only provide support and help when we face problems in our life. They are the ones who encourage us to follow the right path to get success.

● Parents, friends, teachers, relatives and siblings are the people who make our life meaningful, not things.

● Even the value of gold, silver, diamond, etc., is less compared to people. We will get money by selling these minerals, but we will not get the support, help, encouragement and guidance that people can provide us.

Life would of no meaning if people were not present around us. Without other people in our life, we will have a limited viewpoint to look at the world.

Therefore, PEOPLE are more important than THINGS.

Written by-

Nishan Karki

Pestalozzi Children's Village, India

People are more important than things - Tenzin Jambey

Reflection from Sunday School

Some people will choose expensive things, luxury items and valuable commodities over human beings, and some will give more importance to humans than any other things, even over the bag of gold and diamond. We all know very well that everyone is not the same. And therefore, one person can not change or bring goodness to others. First, we should be one to improvise our mindset, and we should be the ones to bring a good change in ourselves.

It is so true that people who have been close to death always give importance to other humans. These people respect all classes of people- from young to old and from poor to rich. I still remember the tragedy of my uncle, who once almost lost his life after being stuck under a rock while working. Nowadays, he is earning his life by serving as a driver. He has a very kind heart. He respects everyone. And sometimes he gives a free ride to the labours and workers as he has also been a labour and he knows their conditions of working and the level of physical hard work they do. 

If we are kind to others, then goodness comes to us through 'Karma'. When we give others love, care and importance, we get it all back from others. Having a great affection towards earthly things like gold and diamond would make your heart much like coal. But if you give importance and are affectionate towards humans, your work and contribution will always be remembered and told. It is not only the humans to whom we should give importance but also the animals, plants and our mother Earth, as in this world, everything is interconnected to each other in some way or the other.

At last, I want to bring up a powerful thought to acknowledgement- "When we were born the world rejoiced while we cried. Therefore, do a work that the world will cry when you die with rejoicing and happiness”.

Written by-

Tenzin Jambey

Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.