Monday, 22 April 2024

People and their differing aims - Tejash

Happiness: Many people strive to lead a happy and fulfilling life. This might involve pursuing activities, relationships, and experiences that bring joy and satisfaction.

Success: Success can be defined in various ways, such as achieving career goals, financial stability, personal accomplishments, or making a positive impact on others.

Health: Maintaining good physical and mental health is essential for overall well-being. People often aim to lead a healthy lifestyle through exercise, proper nutrition, and stress management.

Meaningful Relationships: Building and nurturing meaningful connections with family, friends, and romantic partners is a fundamental aspect of life for many people.

Personal Growth: Continuously learning and growing as individuals is important for self-improvement and development. This could involve acquiring new skills, gaining knowledge, or working on personal qualities.

 Sunbeam School, Lahartara 

Importance of Leadership - Shubhangi Kashyap

Importance of Leadership

Leadership is pivotal in nation-building, providing direction, motivation, and decision-making. A leader's vision inspires citizens, fostering unity and trust. Effective leadership manages change, fosters innovation, and promotes inclusivity, vital for societal progress.

By nurturing international relations, leaders secure peace and cooperation. Transformative leadership enacts reforms, leaving lasting legacies that shape a nation's future.

However, leadership alone cannot determine a nation's destiny; societal, economic, and cultural factors also influence its development. Yet, a strong leader can galvanize collective action, navigate challenges, and steer the nation towards prosperity, leaving an indelible mark on its history.

Shubhangi Kashyap
Sunbeam School, Lahartara

What is Faggot Bearer?- Animesh Kashyap

What is Faggot Bearer?

PC- Pinterest

A "Faggot Bearer" is a critical component in traditional timber framing, specifically in roof structures. This horizontal timber beam runs parallel to the rafters, providing essential support for their ends. 

The term "Faggot" originates from bundles of sticks or small wood pieces historically used in construction. Positioned at regular intervals along the roof's length, these bearers distribute the weight of the roof evenly, ensuring structural integrity and preventing sagging. 

While the term may have historical connotations, it's purely technical in contemporary construction, denoting a vital element in traditional timber-framed buildings, particularly in regions with a heritage of such construction methods.

-By Animesh Kashyap
-Class- IX D
-Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara.