Monday, 6 May 2024

Dogs and their emotional connection with humans - Sambhav Kumar

Dogs often form strong emotional bonds with humans due to their social nature and evolutionary history.

Here are several reasons why dogs are emotionally connected to humans:

Domestication History: Dogs have been living alongside humans for thousands of years, and they've evolved to understand human behaviour and communicate with us. This long history of coexistence has fostered emotional connections between humans and dogs.

Social Pack Animals: Dogs are pack animals by nature, and they view their human family as part of their pack. This social structure promotes bonding and emotional connections within the pack, including with humans.

Attachment and Dependency: Dogs often become emotionally attached to their human caregivers, relying on them for food, shelter, affection, and companionship. This dependency fosters a strong emotional bond similar to that of a parent-child relationship.

Sambhav Kumar
Grade- IX
Sunbeam Laharatra Hostel

The power of observation in a student's life- Priyanshu Arya

As students practice observing, they see more and can represent more and connect it to what they already know. Observing becomes habitual, not bound to specific times or locations or experiences (e.g. 'school' or 'science class')

The power of observation is the ability to mindfully observe the things surrounding you. And you can develop it by practising certain traits. The key to critical observation is paying attention to every bit of detail.

Observation isn't solely reserved for students; it's equally valuable for educators. By keenly observing students in various contexts—whether in the classroom, during group activities, or on the playground, their interests, who they are, what puts a smile or frown on their faces, and what they know and can do. Using observation in this way makes teaching more rewarding!

Priyanshu Arya
Sunbeam school 

Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Student's Success- Aditya raj

 Emotional Intelligence In Student Success

I am writing to share my reflections on the pivotal role of emotional intelligence (EI) in fostering student success within educational settings. As educators, administrators, and stakeholders invest in the holistic development of young minds, it's imperative that we recognize and prioritize the cultivation of EI alongside academic achievement.

Emotional intelligence encompasses a spectrum of abilities crucial for navigating the complexities of human interaction and self-awareness. From self-regulation to empathy and social skills, these facets of EI are not only integral to personal growth but also profoundly impact academic performance, behaviour, and overall well-being.

Aditya raj
Grade- IX 
Sunbeam School, Lahartara