Monday, 13 May 2024

Being Humble - Shaurya Chaturvedi

Being Humble

Are we humble? That's the first question I want to ask today and the second is does being humble cost something? 

The answer from my perspective is that we are not humble. In this modern world, we have forgotten the norms of humanity. We are just frustrated with our problems because that humbleness is miles away from us. 

Just recap your memory, someday you have also done it when you were coming back home after a hectic day and your sibling or your mother asked you something and you got furious and then gave a very rude answer, now switch the characters- you are the sibling and you got a rude answer. just imagine how bad you will feel. So in conclusion, I want to say that being humble costs nothing, but eventually, it makes people feel good and more emotionally connected to you.

Shaurya Chaturvedi
Grade IX
Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara

People Should Value A Good Life - Shubhangi Kashyap

What is a good life?

It is more than just the accumulation of possessions or the attainment of fleeting pleasures, the good life is a tapestry woven from the threads of happiness, fulfilment and purpose. It’s about cherishing the simple joys that enrich our days and nourish our souls. 

The good life is not a destination, but a journey ...

A journey of discovery and growth…

“In life’s sweet dance, we find our song,

Each moment fleeting, yet ever strong,

Cherish the joy, embrace the strife,

For in the good life, we find true life…” 


Shubhangi Kashyap 
Grade- 9
Sunbeam School, Lahartara

Friday, 10 May 2024

Jataka Tales 📹 - Adwik Gupta

What Are Jataka Tales?

Sunday School Reflections From Jataka Tales- 

1. Why do we read about the Jataka Tales?

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why? 

3. What learnings can we take from the story "The Guilty Dogs"?

4. Thinking calmly and not hastily

5. Being Humble