Monday 27 May 2024

True Happiness is living in the present - Rishona Chopra

We spend our time, thinking relentlessly, 
Thinking about possibilities endlessly. 
What is to come? What had happened? 
These questions cloud us day and night. 
Thinking about the future and the past, 
All about what has passed. 
In this vast world, we forget,
That we haven't touched the present yet.
All forgotten about who we are,
We start thinking of the far.
Yes, we must learn from the past, 
But not live in what has passed. 
A wise person is content with their lot, 
Not wishing for what they have not. 
Being lost in hopes and fears, 
Doing the same for years and years. 
True happiness isn't in these wishes and wants, 
Not in these useless thoughts. 
Never do we enjoy what we have,
With the future, we always began.
It's to live in the present that is the true art, 
It's what really pleases the heart. 

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VIII
Gyanshree School 

Sunday 26 May 2024

Reflection of the week - Sunday 26th May 2024


 ~ What does oneness mean to you? What is its true meaning, and why is it relevant today?  


 -From Jataka Tales-   

1. Why do we read about the Jataka Tales?  

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why?   

3. What learnings can we take away from the story "The Oldest Of The Animals"?  

4. Value of respect in our life 

5. Draw and describe a partridge. What makes it different from other birds?  

6. Why do we celebrate biodiversity day?  

7. Commanding and leadership. What's the difference?  


- From The Hidden Life Of Trees-   

1. What did you learn from the chapter today?  

2. What impact does this book have on you?  

3. Research on coniferous forests 

4. Relationship between weather, climate and trees 

5. Forest ecosystems and how they work 

6. Decomposition of trees 

7. What are chaffinches, and how are they nature's "weather reporters"? 

8. Research about beavers and their stories 


Watch the video below and share your thoughts about our Oneness Curriculum.

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!   


You can email your reflections to -

Cosmic Fireworks: The Fascinating World of Solar Flares - Yashraj Sharma


What are Solar Storms?

Solar storms occur when the Sun emits enormous bursts of energy through solar flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). These phenomena send a stream of electrical charges and magnetic fields toward the Earth at about 3 million miles per hour!

  • What are solar flares and CMEs?

A solar flare is an intense burst of radiation caused by the release of magnetic energy associated with sunspots. It is one of the most significant explosive events in our solar system. Flares are seen as bright areas on the Sun and can last minutes to hours.

Coronal Mass Ejections are large plasma and magnetic field expulsions from the Sun's corona (outermost layer).

Effects of the Solar Storm on Earth

  1. Public and amateur radio (used by citizens) is frequently disrupted. Communications, navigation, and even land surveying via land, water, and air use global positioning systems (GPS) to determine routes and locations based on satellite radio waves. These waves are disrupted and/or interrupted by the geomagnetic waves from the Sun.

  1. Blackouts and power outages 

If a significant solar storm were to hit the Earth, the worst-case scenario would be the damaged power grids, resulting in blackouts. The geomagnetic currents induced by a solar storm can overload power grids and potentially cause transformers to fail, leading to widespread power outages. 

           One example of such a black is the Canadian blackout of 1989

This geomagnetic storm occurred on March 13, 1989. It caused a nine-hour outage of Hydro-Québec's (largest power utility in Canada and a significant player in the global hydropower industry) electricity transmission system.

The ever-so-mesmerizing ‘Northern Lights’

Earth’s magnetic field shields our planet against solar flares and CMEs. 

When a solar flare reaches Earth, as it is about to collide, it meets with the magnetic field and spirals around it. It then goes down into the poles of the Earth. This area is known as the 'Aurora Oval.' When these flares collide with the atmosphere's particles, they excite and cause them to rush. This excitement causes the particles to light up!

Hence, giving us wavy patterns and 'curtains' of light, these are commonly known as ‘Auroras

Yashraj Sharma

Gyanshree School

Compiled from reading and sourced from references on Google Search.