Wednesday, 5 June 2024

When You Set Your Mind To Something - Reveda Bhatt

“Have you ever wondered why couldn’t you complete that work even when you tried hard?

That’s because maybe you didn’t try hard enough.”

When you ‘truly’ set your mind to something, have you ever noticed how the entire universe works accordingly and how it seems like everything around is favourable to you? The universe, it is a ball of energies, various blessings, vibes etc. 

Every emotion, every mood- it is an energy you send out into the universe. But, internally, when you set your mind to something and work towards achieving it, the universe sends in energies for you to either take in or deflect. 

In that moment, the decision is up to you for the key is in your hand. Analysing, if this is how the universe works, for each person, accordingly, is it that we directly connect to it? Or is it something else in us that does? 

Something like your mind, my mind. Yes! When you set your goal, all the paths towards it unlock for you to move forward. Only if you try hard. Only if you don’t give up. Only if you stay true. Only if you keep moving forward. Our mind has that power, it is something that you control, something that works accordingly for you. Obstacles you’ll face, sure-it’s life that makes you tougher. It’s your mind that makes you stronger. Long way ahead- Keep going. The universe is with you if you do it right.

Reveda Bhatt 

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Swan Song - Sandeep Dutt

#JoyOfLearning #MyGoodSchool #HappyTeachers #SchoolsCanChange #WherePassionMeetsEducation #DilJeeto #BrewingKnowledge and all the hashtags of my life!

Monday, 3 June 2024

Create Your Passion - Rishona Chopra

"You see things, and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were, and I say 'Why not'"

There is something in life that keeps us going,
A goal that lets hope keep flowing.
A candle in the dark,
The passion that leaves its mark.
We're all here for a purpose,
Something that needs to be created within us.
A passion which must keep going,
In order to keep growing.
You can only follow your passion once you create it,
Do what you love and don't hate it.
This life is precious,
Happiness is a must.
That purpose must be there,
And leave that whiff of happiness in the air.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VIII
Gyanshree School