Sunday, 21 July 2024

Reflection of the week - Sunday 21st July 2024

Session Summary:

We played the 2 Girls 1 Mic Podcast - The conversation revolved around classic literature, reflection, and societal norms. Participants shared their perspectives on the significance and enduring appeal of classic novels like Pride and Prejudice and Little Women. We discussed the importance of reflection in understanding oneself and others. 

Reading Jatakas, which explored the challenges of societal norms, offered fresh perspectives on the role of women in historical contexts. 

Additionally, the speakers discussed the behaviour and adaptation of trees in response to climate change and brainstormed ideas for a newsletter and podcast for their school's JOL Diaries.
Link to the Session Summary

- Tune in to the Podcast 2 Girls and 1 Mic - 

- What does heaven mean to you? 

- Which is your favourite classic?

- From Jataka Tales - 

1. Why do we read about the Jataka Tales?    

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why?     

3. What learnings can we take away from the story today?   

4. What does "iniquity" mean?

5. Gender Equality 

6. How have things come along and changed in this world?

7. Change in mindset

- From Hidden Life Of Trees -     

1. Why do we read about trees in the first place?   

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why?     

3. What learnings can we take away from the story today?   

4. Take a look at the trees growing around any small clearing

5. Characteristics of fungi. What is their role in the life of a tree?

6. Notice a fungi growing on a tree and mention how it looks. 

7. Why do trees grow downwards? Mention a tree that grows downwards. 

Read My Name is Cinnamon by Vikas Prakash Joshi. We will invite him to a meet and greet soon!

These are some suggestions. We're looking forward to your excellent and thoughtful reflections, which you can email to

Thursday, 18 July 2024

2 Girls 1 Mic Episode 14

Listen to the podcast on your app or scan and play.

Join 2 Girls 1 Mic’s latest episode, where they dive into the enduring charm of classic literature. Hosts Simar and Oshi Singh as they unravel the timeless appeal of three beloved novels: Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" and "Sense and Sensibility," along with Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women." They discuss what makes these classic novels so captivating and relevant. 

Highlighting themes of love, marriage, and societal expectations, they also delve into celebrating their warmth and enduring lessons. Tune in as they uncover the magic and significance of these timeless literary works, which resonate with readers of all ages. Whether you're revisiting these classics or discovering them for the first time, there's something profound and inspiring in their pages that transcends generations. 

Feel free to leave comments as you join us in this hearty and engaging discussion. We would love to read them!

Spotify Player

Monday, 15 July 2024

Kabir and Guru Nanak - Sanvi Rai

Kabir and Guru Nanak, two great spiritual leaders and poets, have left behind a legacy of profound wisdom and teachings. 

One of Kabir's dohas that is close to my heart is-

 "ज्ञानी सों जानै जो अपनी ही बुद्धि 
पारस परस समुंद में हो गहरी फूल छाई", 

which translates to "The wise one is one who knows his own mind; just like a flower that shines deep in the water of the ocean." 

From the teachings of Guru Nanak, a verse that resonates with me is- 
"ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਕੀ ਬਾਣੀ, ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਤੇ ਜਾਤਿਜਾਤਿ ",

which means "The Guru's Bani (teachings) transcends all social and cultural boundaries." These dohas are not only close to my heart but also reflect timeless wisdom and insights that are relevant to all aspects of life.
Sanvi Rai 
Sunbeam School, Bhagwanpur 

Good Schools Of India