Reflection of the week
-From My Name Is Cinnamon-
1. What was your takeaway from the session today?
2. What were the key points in the chapter?
3. Journey of self-discovery
4. Being honest with ourselves
5. Importance of reflection and clear thought
6. When you write a poem how do you feel?
7. How do you think Cinnamon would feel if he met his birth parents
8. Between the head and the heart
- From The Hidden Life Of Trees –
1. Why is the chapter named "Not just a commodity?"
2. What is your takeaway from today’s session?
3. What did you learn from this book?
4. Do trees have a life of their own? How can humans learn to respect that?
5. Life from the eyes of trees
6. Taking care of trees and nature with dignity
7. We aren't a part of nature, we are nature
8. Lessons from this book
"I think writing a poem is oddly fulfilling and a unique art itself. Its unique how we're able to express our thoughts about something in a set of lines. I think it brings us to think deeper about what we're writing because we aren't just writing a paragraph but writing about our feelings and ideas about something in a few lines, choosing the right words at every step. And when you're done writing that poem, there's a sense of fulfillment when you read it again because it just opens a new perspective about it.
I don't write blogs that often now but when I'm bored at home, I take out a paper and pen and write poems because it truly is something that's so unique." - Rishona Chopra
These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!
You can email your reflections at -
My Good School 10th Nov 2024Reading My Name Is Cinnamon - complete the chapter 8; and complete reading the book "The Hidden Life of Trees" by Peter Wohlleben, as well as plan for an upcoming retreat and initiate an "Impact Study" project.
Key Takeaways
• Trees are highly interconnected through underground fungal networks, forming a "Wood-Wide Web" that allows them to communicate and support each other.
• Helping children like Cinnamon from the book deal with difficult emotions requires providing a supportive environment, encouraging reflection, and engaging them in enjoyable activities.
• The upcoming retreat will involve spending time in a forest, connecting with underprivileged children, and continuing the group reading experience.
• The "Impact Study" project aims to assess how the Teacher's Academy program is developing students' 21st century skills like critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration.
• Practices like writing poems, maintaining reading logs, and reflecting on readings can enhance personal growth and reading comprehension.
Reading and Discussing "The Hidden Life of Trees"
• The group continued reading and discussing chapters from the book, exploring how trees communicate and support each other through underground fungal networks.
• The discussion focused on understanding Cinnamon's emotional journey and ways to help him deal with his feelings in a healthy manner.
Upcoming Retreat
• The group discussed the plans for an upcoming retreat, where participants will spend time in a forest, connect with underprivileged children, and continue their group reading experience.
• The retreat will also involve a visit to the "My Good School" studio and a city tour.
"Impact Study" Project
• The group initiated an "Impact Study" project to assess the impact of the Teacher's Academy program on the development of students' 21st century skills.
• The project will involve gathering feedback from teachers and students, and analyzing data to understand the program's effectiveness.
Next Steps
• Gurdeep will connect with Kunal to obtain the data from the previous impact study and use it as a starting point for the new project.
• The group will work together to develop a set of questions to gather feedback from teachers and students on a monthly basis.
• The findings from the impact study will be shared and discussed in future meetings, and the next meeting will be on the 24th of November 2024.