Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Thinking and Writing


Writing isn't what you do after you have an idea. It's how you develop an inkling into an insight.  Turning thoughts into words sharpens reasoning. What's fuzzy in your head becomes clearer on the page.  "I'm not a writer" shouldn't stop you from writing. Writing is a tool for thinking.  
- Courtesy Adam Grant on Substack

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Thursday, 29 August 2024

Note-taking and Reflections - What is the difference?

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Reflection Sunday 15th December 2024

  Sunday School No. 167

My Name is Cinnamon by Vikas Prakash Joshi, Chapter 12, titled "Up the Hill," the protagonist, Cinnamon, faces a journey of personal growth, self-realization, and overcoming obstacles. The chapter likely touches on themes of resilience, identity, and the complexities of relationships.

Reflection Questions:

1. What does the hill represent in Cinnamon's journey? How does this metaphor connect to the struggles Cinnamon faces in life?

2. How do Cinnamon's thoughts and emotions evolve as they ascend the hill? What inner conflicts do they confront, and how do these mirror the challenges they encounter in the world around them?

3. In the chapter, Cinnamon seems to encounter both physical and emotional obstacles. How do these challenges impact their character development?

4. What role do the relationships with other characters (family, friends, or strangers) play in this chapter? How do they influence Cinnamon’s actions and perspective?

5. The setting of the hill is crucial in this chapter. How does the natural environment impact the mood and tone of the narrative? What significance might the hill have in the broader context of the story?

6. In what ways does Chapter 12 highlight Cinnamon's sense of self and belonging? How do they navigate the tension between their personal desires and societal expectations?

7. Do you think Cinnamon’s journey up the hill is symbolic of a larger life journey? If so, what does it teach the reader about perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity?

8.The theme of identity is central to the novel. How does this chapter contribute to Cinnamon’s understanding of their own identity and place in the world?

9. How does the writing style in this chapter enhance the emotional and thematic depth of Cinnamon’s journey? What literary techniques does the author use to convey these deeper meanings?

10. Reflecting on this chapter, what message do you think the author is trying to convey about personal growth, challenges, and transformation?

These questions will help you to explore the deeper layers of the text, focusing on character development, symbolism, and thematic exploration within the context of Cinnamon's journey.

 The Inner Life of Animals by Peter Wohlleben, Chapter 5, "Pig Smarts," explores the intelligence, emotional depth, and social behaviors of pigs. The chapter invites readers to reconsider common perceptions of animals and their mental and emotional capabilities.

Reflection questions:

1. How does Wohlleben challenge the common stereotype of pigs as unintelligent animals in this chapter? What specific examples from the chapter illustrate their intelligence?

2. What role does the environment play in shaping the behavior and cognition of pigs? How does Wohlleben emphasize the importance of their natural instincts and social structures?

3. What emotions and relationships do pigs display that surprised or intrigued you? How does this deepen our understanding of animals' inner lives?

4. In what ways do pigs demonstrate problem-solving abilities and social cooperation? How does this reflect broader themes of animal intelligence in the book?

5. Wohlleben often contrasts human and animal behaviors. How does his portrayal of pigs challenge human-centered ideas about intelligence and emotional complexity?

6. Do you think pigs’ intelligence and social behaviors make them more relatable to humans? How does the chapter shape your perspective on the ethics of how animals are treated?

7. What does Wohlleben suggest about the emotional connections pigs have with each other? How does this contribute to our understanding of animal emotions?

8. In what ways do pigs’ social behaviors, such as their care for each other, mirror human relationships? How does this comparison enhance the theme of empathy in the book?

9. Wohlleben discusses the ways pigs communicate. How do these forms of communication reflect the complexity of their inner life and social structure?

10. Reflecting on the chapter, what do you think Wohlleben wants readers to take away about the cognitive and emotional lives of animals, particularly pigs? How might this affect our treatment of them in both domestic and wild contexts?

These questions aim to deepen your understanding of animal behavior and intelligence, encouraging a reflection on the ethical implications of how we perceive and interact with animals.

Meeting summary for  (15/12/2024)

Quick recap

The team discussed over a Zoom meeting with various schools, focusing on a story about Cinnamon's journey of self-discovery, growth, and resilience. They also explored the behavior and social structure of wild boars, the intelligence and survival tactics of wild boars and pigs, and the importance of personal and social development in schools. The conversation ended with a call for students to pick up a skill beyond their regular curriculum for personal growth.

Next steps

• Sunbeam students to reflect on The Yes Workshop and My Good School sessions.

• Students to explore using the learning model discussed to define personal success and goals.

• Students to consider taking up a skill-based course or activity for personal growth.

• Manisha to prepare note on "joy of learning" for students to review later.

• Sunbeam School to consider implementing aspects of the YES learning model in their curriculum.

• Students to explore the My Good School YouTube channel for additional content.

• Teachers to review the Teachers Academy video on the My Good School YouTube channel.

• Sunbeam School to evaluate incorporating more vocational/skill-based options in their curriculum.

• Students to reflect on balancing academic success with life skills development.

• Jugjiv/Sandeep to consider requests from other schools to conduct similar workshops.

• Students to practice critical thinking skills discussed in the sessions.

• Sunbeam School to explore ways to reduce exam pressure and encourage holistic development.

• Students to consider writing blogs/reflections on topics discussed in the sessions.


Cinnamon's Journey of Self-Discovery

Jugjiv read a blog about Cinnamon's journey of self-discovery, growth, and resilience. The blog discussed Cinnamon's feelings of gratitude and loss, as well as moments of pride and insecurity. The blog also highlighted the importance of having people who accept you completely, even when figuring yourself out. Sandeep then read the blog aloud, expressing similar sentiments. The group then prepared to read a new chapter in the book, which was described as very interesting.

Cinnamon's Emotional Struggle With Adoption

Cinnamon's adoptive mother is emotionally distraught about his desire to meet his birth parents. She hides her tears behind sunglasses, likely fearing that Cinnamon's love for her will fade once he connects with his birth mother. In contrast, Cinnamon's adoptive father remains calm and supportive of his decision. Meanwhile, Devendra informs Cinnamon that his birth mother wants to meet him at the eatery she runs.

Woman's Emotional Adoption Story

In the meeting, Jugjiv narrated a story about a woman who was in a relationship with a boy from a different community, and they eventually got married. They had two children and later decided to migrate to Pune for better opportunities. After four years in Pune, they had a third child, Cinnamon. Tragically, the husband died in a collision with a tempo. The woman then had to manage taking care of three children on her own, and eventually decided to give Cinnamon up for adoption, thinking she could meet him again later. However, when she went back to the adoption agency, she was told she had given away all rights to the child and should not inquire until the child turned 18. The woman and Cinnamon both became emotional during the story, with Cinnamon's birth mother breaking down in tears.

Cinnamon's Adoption and Village Life

In the meeting, Jugjiv shared the story of a hotel owner who had a son named Cinnamon. Cinnamon's mother, Aditi, had given him up for adoption, but he was later reunited with her. The story also involved Cinnamon's father, who was a popular figure in the village. The conversation ended with Cinnamon and his birth parents staying at Aditi's house for the night. The participants also discussed the location of Nandibar Town and the significance of Nandibar.

Cinnamon's Ambivalence and Future Choices

Sandeep and Jugjiv discussed the story of Cinnamon, a character who has met his birth mother after a long time. They explored Cinnamon's feelings of ambivalence and the potential choices he might face in the future. The group debated whether Cinnamon would choose to live with his birth mother or his adopted parents, considering factors such as wealth, comfort, and love. They also discussed the importance of critical thinking and the potential for Cinnamon to have the best of both worlds. The conversation ended with Sandeep sharing his thoughts on the story and its characters.

Dialects, Migration, and Animal Behavior

In the meeting, Jugjiv and Sandeep discussed various topics that emerged from a story, including inter-community marriages, simple weddings, migration from villages to towns, and how the same language can vary across different regions. Jugjiv highlighted how dialects can change every 15-20 km, and how phrases like "a few minutes felt like eternity" could be used as essay prompts. Sandeep then read a passage about the intelligence of domestic pigs descended from wild boars. He explained how researchers tracked wild boars using transmitters to study their behavior and home ranges, drawing parallels with tracking migratory birds. The discussion covered new vocabulary like "repertoire," "sounders," and "transmitters" in the context of animal behavior studies.

Wild Boar Behavior and Social Structure

Sandeep discussed the behavior and social structure of wild boars, highlighting their territorial marking, family dynamics, and social interactions. He noted that wild boars have a strong sense of family and can recognize their children after observing them for a long time. He also mentioned that wild boars are highly social and enjoy mutual grooming and living closely together. Sandeep further explained that wild boars adapt their sleeping quarters according to the weather and time of the year, and they prefer to use a designated toilet area separate from their sleeping hollow. He also touched upon the differences between wild and domestic pigs, noting that domestic pigs are often separated from their parents and raised in groups of their own age, which can lead to conflicts.

Wild Boars' Intelligence and Hunting

Sandeep discusses the intelligence and survival tactics of wild boars and pigs. He explains how German hunters have to use moonlight and bait to hunt wild boars at night due to their evasive behavior. Despite hunting pressure, wild boar populations continue to thrive by outsmarting hunters. Sandeep also shares an anecdote about a mother pig teaching her 160 piglets to build nests, highlighting their intelligence which is often underestimated when calling someone a "pig" as an insult.

Reflections, Self-Discovery, and Learning Models

The meeting revolved around the reflections and experiences shared by the participants. Sandeep and Jugjiv discussed the reflections from the previous session, with Sandeep reading out a reflection from Simrit Kaur. They also discussed the concept of self-discovery and personal growth, with Sandeep emphasizing the importance of introspection, exploration, and mindfulness. The meeting also touched upon the idea of identity and how it is shaped by experiences and relationships. Sandeep introduced the concept of "The Teachers Academy" and the "YES workshop" and how they can be incorporated into the learning model. The conversation ended with a discussion on the potential benefits of the Yes workshop for other students.

Personal and Social Development in Schools

Sandeep led a discussion on the importance of personal and social development in schools, emphasizing the need for students to engage with society beyond academic success. He highlighted the significance of skills like communication, collaboration, and creativity, and how these can contribute to a student's identity and future success. Sandeep also discussed the importance of vocational development, internships, and fellowship programs to enhance employability skills. The conversation ended with a call for students to pick up a skill beyond their regular curriculum for personal growth.

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These are some suggestions you can choose from. I'm looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections! 

You can email your reflections to mk@learningforward.org.in or post them as comments below!

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Q&A on #YOGAi

Thank you, Sunil Malhotra, for this post.

Q: How did the idea of writing this book come to you, and what meaning does it hold in your life?

A: I’ve been involved with exponential technologies since around 2016-2017, particularly through following the work of Singularity University, which focuses on how technology is advancing rapidly while becoming more accessible. For instance, today’s smartphones have 10,000 times the power NASA had when they first put a man on the moon. This shift is transforming the world from scarcity to abundance.

Despite these advancements, there’s a paradox. While we live in the best times—with increased life expectancy and reduced poverty—media narratives often amplify fear and negativity, polarising societies. Technology like Zoom connected us during the COVID-19 pandemic, yet it also deepened anxiety and disconnection.

This led me to a crucial realisation: while technology accelerates external progress, we need something internal—resilience and balance—to keep up. That’s where Yoga comes in. It’s a counterintuitive yet fascinating connection between the exponential outer world of AI and the inner world of self-awareness.

Q: You mentioned self-discovery in your book. While writing, did you discover more about yourself?

A: Yes, writing this book deepened my self-discovery and clarified that it’s a lifelong journey. Knowledge of oneself isn’t a static achievement but a continuous flow.

One significant learning was the ability to let go—of ideas, attachments, and outcomes. For example, when we create something like a project or a book, we often become so attached to it that any criticism feels personal. Self-discovery helps detach from this and makes it easier to accept change or imperfection.

Q: When writing a book, there are challenges, like knowing when and how to end it. How was it for you?

A: This book was a work in progress. I started it during the pandemic, but as I explored, I realised that both yoga and AI are vast, ever-evolving topics. AI is advancing so rapidly that any placeholder I used became outdated quickly—like when ChatGPT emerged. Yoga, on the other hand, has 5,000 years of history and depth.

In mid-2023, I nearly abandoned the project. However, a conversation with Dr. Karan Singh changed my mind. He emphasised that the book wasn’t about providing definitive answers but raising questions to help readers start their own journeys. So, I decided to publish it, accepting that it would never feel “complete.”

Q: You mention the human quest for truth. What do you think is the best way to achieve it?

A: Yoga. Whether through science or spirituality, the ultimate goal is truth. Scientists seek it through evidence, while Yoga teaches us to transcend the mind and explore truths beyond language and intellect. Both paths, though different, aim at understanding reality at its core.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Sunbeam School Reflections - 1st December 2024

Cinnamon’s journey of self-discovery is one of growth and resilience, shaped by moments of doubt, struggle, and revelation. At first, he felt lost, unsure of who he was or where he belonged. Each challenge he faced—whether external or internal—pushed him to dig deeper, to confront fears and insecurities he had long ignored.  

There were moments of heartbreak but also joy as Cinnamon began to understand his true self. He learned to embrace his imperfections, find strength in vulnerability, and see obstacles not as barriers but as opportunities to grow.  

By the end of his journey, Cinnamon wasn’t just someone who had found answers—he had found peace in the questions. His story is a reminder that self-discovery is messy and beautiful.

Simrat Kaur 
Sunbeam English School Bhagwanpur 

JDS School Reflections - Sunday 8th December 2024

                          Wisdom, proper knowledge and intellect. How can we connect with that?

To connect with wisdom, reflect on experiences and seek diverse perspectives. To obtain the proper knowledge, pursue learning and discern the truth through critical thinking. To develop intellect, practice curiosity, logical reasoning, and problem-solving regularly.

                           Are animals sensitive? How are humans different from animals?

Animals are sensitive to physical sensations, emotions, and environmental changes. Humans differ in their advanced reasoning, abstract thought, complex emotions, and the ability to create culture and language.

Name - Anjali
Grade - 9th
School - Jhamkudevi Sen Sec School