Saturday, 16 September 2023

Finding your inner voice - Pasang Sherpa

Helping others find their voice which means helping someone to realize that they can also stand upfront in any situation. 

We can inform them about the human sight they possess if there are matters that need to be dealt with by rules and laws. 

We can help other people but before doing so we should prove ourselves worthy to do so then only we shall be able to guide them to reach their actual inner voice.

Pasang Sherpa
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society

Friday, 15 September 2023

Life At My Pace - Aati Pema

While I procrastinate, I remember some things that make me want to curl up and stop existing and others that make me grateful for them happening.

What you're about to read would be hard to actually sympathise with and enjoy if I do not give you the setup, so I hope you enjoy it.

I was a young boy almost in 5th grade, and being raised in Ladakh, I was like many drawn to the waters not by the thirst to drink but with the desire to immerse myself in the bone-chilling waters; though many could not swim, it did not stop us from enjoying it. For me personally, I remember embracing and enjoying every aspect of it, the bone-chilling river young from the glaciers making our nose redder than Rudolf's, the clear sky with its thin atmosphere letting the scorching sun bath us with its warmth as we lay on the sandy banks. The whole experience was perfected by the breathtaking views of the mighty mountains touching the clouds with their tips where it snowed permanently.

Now that you know how it was to be there, I will tell you a secret: we were not allowed to go near the river. But it only made it more of an adventure, so we used to make these plans to go to which place when, and we were always on the lookout for new spots. One day, one of my friends came excitedly and said that he had found a great place and we had to see it. The problem was that my hand was plastered, but I let it off and went anyway.

When we went there, we reached a gate with spikes, which I barely managed to get over. As we approached the pool, I saw why he was so excited. Usually, the waters would be high and were a continuous river, but from time to time, it lowered and let small ponds reveal themselves. It was one of such ponds, but it was unique because it was steaming, and the water was pleasantly warm a natural hot spring! 

We did not need any invite going bare; we jumped right in. I ensured my left arm was always above water and could enjoy just as much. After we were done it was almost dark we were glad that we had gone on a weekend, but as we reached the road I saw my mother searching for me, and when she saw she was not happy! We were scolded for a while, and my friends were asked whether they needed to be dropped home, but as their houses were just a bit away, they went after apologising. 

As I said bye to my friends, I told them where I had been and was again scolded for my carelessness. But till we reached our home, my mother's anger had subsided after having dinner as I lay in the bed with my mother watching a serial I did not know. I fell asleep while still thinking it was great. I did not know how to describe my feelings then, but I do now. It was a pure, immense sense of happiness and gratitude for everything: my mother, friends, and homeland.

This was one day of my life, but this made a part of me.

- Aati Pema
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Intentions - Reveda Bhatt

Intentions come a long way - Sometimes say even more than words. Vibes exist. Matches exist. It's all in the intent of a person -"like" likes "like," unlikely in some cases.

For instance, need of help -WHEN YOU HAVE EVERYTHING-everybody seems to be close to us, "wants to be" close to us-but when you have little - All that remains is all WHAT and WHO is yours-The Real Ones. Truth of life - Let's face it.

Well, you must be wondering where "intent" drops in here - Others' intentions throw vibes of what they mean or, in this case, "want." Some figure that out, while few are too caught up in the moment to see whose "faking." Those true at heart stay beside you no matter what, when or where life takes you. While as your "car of life" comes down through the mesmerising meadows, full of "your close ones," as soon as you enter the "dark tunnel," what your life comes out with is its car full of "your real ones." You fill up the fuel at a station, about to enter the countryside-another bright world - a beginning with "better" people, when suddenly, after paying up, you turn towards your car and see it full again -THE SAME CYCLE but what's good now is that you know who is really yours this time! 

So, while they drive down, people, I'll tell you something - know how it is when people tell you-"Nobody's really ours in life," I think I'll deny this for few are, but you've got to have an eye to look for them-

Oops, another tunnel ahead!

Don't believe me?

Look at the number of fellows before entering the tunnel,

Then, after exiting the tunnel.

Trust me -You will know the difference.

- Reveda Bhatt

Thursday, 14 September 2023

The things that come to my mind while being in class - Tenzin Jambey

A classroom is a room or a sphere where students learn. The one who teaches or gives lessons is called the teacher, and the one who takes the learning is called the student. Different students can have different views on the classroom, and I, too, have my opinions on a classroom.

The school has become an essential place for learning. Without schooling, you won't be able to push yourself further in the field of education. "Education never ends, and the road never ends. It's only the fuel of the car that ends". No one can ever learn everything, even if we start learning after birth until we die. The classroom makes learning more fun, exciting and memorable in the education journey. The word classroom is an extensive term that means that a classroom is much more than a room in the school building. All the sphere and place becomes a classroom when you get lessons out of it. Teamwork is something that we learn when working as a team. Therefore, the football ground, basketball court and your hostel room can become a classroom.

Now, if you guys ask me what we learn from the classroom, I would say we know many things. We understand how to help others, how to co-ordinate, how to care, how we get inspiration, morals, how to get along, how to speak, read and write teamwork, and this goes a long way. The best thing we get from a classroom is the memories of sitting in the school with our best friends and the teaching and scolding of teachers, the room where we had enjoyed and spent our best time by sharing tiffins and knowledge and helping each other. When we become old and our death is close, these memories will allow us to die with happiness and peace because we have lived a life we will remember.

- Tenzin Jambey

Sunday, 10 September 2023

Finding Your Voice - Tenzin Nyesel

REFLECTION: " Finding your voice " (inner voice)

Let's talk about the voice, not the one with which we speak but the inner voice. The voice that whispers in our mind with powerful and meaningful words. It tells us what's right and what's not. It tells us when to leave and where to go when needed. It tells us when to say yes and when to say no. Sometimes, that voice is crystal clear. It says go or stay, right or wrong, but sometimes it whispers. Always be calm and concentrative to have great clarity of that voice.

"Never let your inner voice drown in this noisy world because, in the end, that voice knows what's right for you. Always trust your inner voice." 
Tenzin Nyesel,
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

भूल मत, प्यारे - रेवीदा भट्ट

Picture Courtesy:
भूल मत, प्यारे - 
A poem about Gratitude & it’s importance.

यूँ चलता है आज सिर उठाकर,
पीछे भी देखा कर कितनों ने हाथ बटाया है 
देखता है आज इस ज़मीं के ऊपर 
भूल मत किसी ने तुझे खड़ा होना भी सिखाया है। 

चलता बना घर से,
अब समय था विद्यालय जाने का,
वही बस्ता लिए जिसमें डब्बा माँ ने भिजवाया था,
तीन-चार घंटे के लिए ही,
झुण्ड से बिछड़े हए परिंदे जैसे रहना-
वह भी एक ज़माना था। 

धीरे-धीरे बनाये दोस्त जिनका साथ मिलना ही 
समय का खज़ाना था। 
भूल मत, ए परिंदे, वह भी एक ज़माना था 
जब घर से बाहर रहना भी 
लगता घर के प्यार में समाना था,
भूल मत उन्हें जिन्होंने तुझे घर से दूर तेरा एक और घर बनाया था। 

अक्षरों का ज्ञान नहीं,
कलम के इस्तेमाल से अनजान,
भूल मत ज्ञानी, किसी ने तुझे कलम पकड़ना क्या,
कलाम के बारे में भी पढ़ाया था,
तभी जीवन में आया ज्ञान का अभिमान था। 

कभी दोस्तों से लड़कर, घर आकर 
प्यार तो तूने उन्हीं बाहों में पाया था,
जिनमें तूने अपना जीवन सजाया था,
माँ की ममतामयी नज़रों और पिता के रक्षात्मक स्वभाव 
में ही पाया था। 

कभी झगड़ा सुलझाया तो कभी सही दोस्त चुनना सिखाया। 
बढ़ता गया तू आगे, लेकर अपना परिवार जब अपनेपन का आभास तूने 
कुछ लोगों में ही पाया था। 
आज पीछे छोड़ गया तू उन्हीं को जिन्होंने वर्षा में अपनी छतरी के अंदर 
खींचकर तुझे भीगने से बचाया था। 

यही तो इंसान की प्रवृत्ति है,
भूल जाता है कितनों ने उसे खिलाया है,
बस चलता जाता है उस राह पर,
यह भूलकर कि कितनों ने उससे हुई भूल को भुलाया है,
कितनों ने उस पर रौशनी बरसाई और 
कितनों ने उसे रास्ता दिखाया है,
जीने की चाह का उसमें बीज उगाया है। 

भूल मत, तुझे कामयाब होता देख
कितनों का दिल गर्व की लहरों से झूमेगा 
जब तेरा अपना, तुझ बीज को 
कभी एक हरे-भरे वृक्ष के रूप में देखेगा। 

यूँ चलता है आज सिर उठाकर,
भूल मत प्यारे,  कितनों ने तुझे जीना भी सिखाया है। 

Reveda Bhatt
Grade X || The Aryan School

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

The common humanity look through the night - Reveda Bhatt

Picture Courtesy:

So, creeping up and about was the full moon in the night skies above the small town of Nashville. The wind blew hard and soft simultaneously, for there was no hard and fast rule. The crackling dried-up leaves swirled around in the dusty wind when they dropped on the curled-up hairs of the little girl. Out in the lonesome night was she, dressed in an elegant frilled frock with chubby cheeks and a pink tinge on the skin as if she were a Barbie! Barring her from the mist falling was her small umbrella. Her name was Eleanor. 

Now, Nashville had supposedly never been famous for a "Night Life," but seeing the little girl roam about the town in the starry night, residents drew down their curtains so that their children could not see her stroll around, as every toddler craves to; otherwise, they'd blabber, "Oh, Mama! Oh, Daddy! Can't we walk through the night!?"

The town had always been prone to theft and dacoits, so that was a significant reason for not allowing their children out at night. Oh! But there was our robust and fearless toddler out in the dark, for she was not like the others! Really! But as every strong person has a story, so does she. 

Having had a "good" life for approximately two years, which she hardly remembered, later comprised of her parents having problems with each other, days of arguments and violence, and as though that weren't enough, she was asked by each of them personally, "You sure do like me more for the other's not worth!" The child, up in confusion, looked at them with wonder-waiting eyes, for she wished for them to stop soon.

Well, they did, when one morning, when the girl was old enough, she woke up and saw her Mother's stuff gone, for she had stormed out and left the house at midnight, leaving her just a note, saying, "Mama loves you!" by her pillow. And just like that, she, who had been her Mom's part, had been left behind with just a note she carried everywhere. Even on that chilling night, it had been in her coat's inward safe spot. Let alone the father, for he, who was involved in drinking and making merry so much, that Eleanor had given up on him and ran through having nowhere to live but at least somewhere, away from her life otherwise. 

Now, probably, you know the reason why she "strolled" around. As for the fear of dacoits, nothing scared her; she had become fearless, seeing all she had seen, doing all she had done. But life has its ways of making the brave one feel better every night, for even she, who was fearless, had a heart like any other, which may be hard on the outside but was still that tender one on the inside. 

Well, that's what binds all of us together in life, Common Humanity!

Reveda Bhatt 
Grade X || The Aryan School