Saturday, 11 November 2023

Unveiling the Enchantment: A Quest into the Mysteries of Film and Music - Saikiran Sahu

"Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience, in the way film does and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark room of our souls." - Ingmar Bergman.

The world of music and films is vast and diverse, with countless genres, styles, and cultures contributing to it. Whether you are a fan, a creator, or just curious, there's always something new and exciting to explore. People connect with film and music profoundly because art forms have an unparalleled ability to tap into depths of human emotion and experience. Films weave narratives that resonate with universal themes, offering a visual and auditory journey that allows viewers to empathise with characters and contemplate the complexities of life. Music transcends language barriers, providing a direct pathway to the soul. 

So, the club I would like to initiate is the "Film & Music Appreciation Club". We could once a week discuss different types of movies from various genres worldwide. The generation is more into movies, and these movies can teach a lot. Both film and music possess the extraordinary power to evoke nostalgia and trigger memories.

In the end, In a world that can often feel fragmented, film and music serve as unifying forces, connecting individuals through the shared language of emotion and the timeless pursuit of meaning. 

We would like to achieve this, and for that to be achieved, I would like all of your support!

People who have joined the club:

Simar Kaur- Intern Head at My Good School. She is a great thinker with a podcast of her own, "Two Girls One Mic".

Oshi Singh and - Vice Captain of My Good School. She is the most cheerful and passionate person I have ever seen. She also co-hosts a podcast called "Two Girls One Mic".

Rishona Chopra - Captain of The Good School. She is way ahead of her age. At such a young age, she has achieved a lot.

Anvesha Rana - Podcast host for the Learning Forward Podcast. Very enthusiastic and a good role model for us.

Anushka Kathuria - An intern at My Good School, participant in the My Guide Inside (MGI) pilot program at Gyanshree School. She is hard-working and is best at what she does.

I would be glad to welcome you all to this club! I hope we discover the world of Films and Music together!

Film & Music Appreciation Club Secretary -  Saikiran Sahu

Email Address - 

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Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Importance of forgiveness - Nishan Karki

Forgiveness means letting go of negative feelings and attitudes towards another person. Forgiveness arises when we try to understand other people's feelings and show some sympathy towards them.
It is one of the most important human values.

Forgiveness can help both parties, i.e., the one who forgives and the one who receives forgiveness.

The paragraph written below is the famous mercy speech by Portia in the play The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare.

"The quality of mercy is not strained;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
'T is mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown:
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway;
It is enthronèd in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's
When mercy seasons justice." 

In the above lines, Portia says that mercy ( forgiveness) is not a quality that is felt or shown under any compulsion. It is shown by humans as naturally as the gentle drops of rain fall from the sky to the earth below. Mercy is a double blessing. It blesses both the forgiver and the receiver, or the one being forgiven. It is the supreme quality that anyone, no matter how great, can possess. It is the most powerful quality in those who have the highest authority. It suits a king sitting on his throne better than his crown suits him. The golden rod of authority in the hands of a king is an indication of the force of his earthly power. The rod of authority is a symbol of the fear that kingship inspires in others, and it indicates the high dignity of the king. But mercy is something higher and greater than earthly authority, which is symbolized by the rod. Mercy occupies a lofty place in the hearts of kings. It is a quality and attribute of God himself. Earthly power acquires a divine quality when a man softens the hardness of the demands of justice by showing mercy.

So, the quality of mercy or forgiveness is one of the greatest possessions of people. In fact, animals also possess the quality of mercy, so why can't humans? The quality of mercy or forgiveness must be in the possession of every living being on earth.
Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi children's village society
Image Courtesy- Premium Times Nigeria

Sunday, 5 November 2023

The author of my story; the master of my fate - Rishona Chopra

I have always believed that we are the author of our tale. We are the ones that create our story and decide how it shall conclude. The pen is in our hands and it is our wish to decide how things shall go. 

We are the master of our fate and we can decide which path we choose and go on. Yes, there will be numerous challenges on our way. Yes, there shall be a few earthquakes and floods and things that bring us down. But, its the way one soars after being pulled down each time that matters. 

There are lot of people or rather characters that influence our story. They may influence our decisions or bring about a plot twist or setback in our story but again the pen is in our hands. We are the captain. The final decision is in our hands.  We have the power to control our thought. We have the power to control our attitude.

A thought that comes to my mind is that what about instances when something bad happens? Lets say one gets fired from their job. That may not be one's destiny. This is just another flood in our life; something influencing our story. Some people may go down and drown with the flood and some may swim through it an survive. It's all about the attitude and thought in life. Someone may come across a serious injury and accept it and happily pass away to heaven abode; nothing bad in it at all, they wrote their ending and it was what they wanted,that was one's happy ending. Some may try and try to survive this earthquake and yet fail but I'd say that's not failure; giving up because you think its too tough is failure because nothing is impossible. 

Another thing is death. People don't want to die but eventually they have to. Its just the way it works. You may live as long as 400 years but it has to end. One day it has to. That is the all eternal end but fate here is how you live your live. The future of all the small events in our life. 

There are a few lines from a song I would quote:
"He said,One day, you'll leave this world behindSo live a life you will remember"

What matters is how we live our lives. With happiness and glory or sadness and misery.

We all can surely make our fate better. Better and happier. We have the power to do that. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Saturday, 4 November 2023

Why is forgiveness important? - Ritesh Gaire

Forgiveness is an act of letting go of the past and making ourselves light of the burden that we get because of some specific reasons.

It is good to forgive one, not to make him or her sound, but to make yourself light of the burden we hold in our minds. Some mistakes can be overlooked easily, but some go so deep in our hearts that we get many problems. Holding on to emotions and not letting go of past memories can affect us in many ways. It affects our concentration, health, and many other daily activities. For example, we get into arguments with our friends often, and when we don't talk with them after an argument, it feels very bad, and our hearts feel heavy until we forgive and forget it.

It is perfect to forgive. Forgiveness does not always come from the inside, but sometimes, we must move on. Forgiveness builds good relationships with each other. It does not completely repair the broken relationship, but slowly and gradually, it improves it. Hence, forgiveness is essential.
Ritesh Gaire
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society
Image Courtesy-Radiance Functional Medicine

Forgiveness - Tenzin Nyesel

A very famous line said:

"When you forgive, you heal.
When you let go, you grow."
When we suffer through harsh times in any relationship, it's hard to think about forgiving the other person. On that, it's harder to move on from that situation. That's the time when we start thinking about ourselves. The time when we think, "If I say 'this' to that person, what will my image be towards her or him? What does that person think about me?
As time goes on, slowly and gradually, we realize our actions and the words we said at that time. We start getting feelings of guilt, sorrow, and anger. We start reflecting on those mistakes and the ego we have been holding. That's the time when we let go of dirty stains from our clean, white life. We try to get things together.

This reflection concludes with a line:
"Forgiveness is not just to forget and move on; it's about remembering it without the anger."

Tenzin Nyesel
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society
Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Forgiveness - Tenzin Jambey

In the journey of our lives, we come across many situations that result in the destruction of our peace of mind. Sometimes, we mistakenly hurt someone. It really feels bad when others don't accept your apology and when you are not forgiven for the mistake you made.

We humans are not perfect; we make mistakes as we take every step in our lives. Sometimes, our actions hurt the sentiments of others, which results in the birth of hate in others for us. When we ask for forgiveness from others, some accept it, but some people don't forgive the mistakes made by children. A few days ago, my football went on the roof of the neighbour's house. I went to get it and called out the uncle. He came outside, and I quickly greeted him and said sorry in a polite manner. Still, I ended up getting terribly scolded by him. If I look from one side, what he did was right, as I should have cared for him while playing, as it could have broken the things in his house, but if I were in his place, I would have given the child advice rather than scolding him. When we get scolding from others, it makes us feel a bit restricted, and from now on, we feel a bit scared and down to do things again, like playing. If we don't forgive the mistakes of the younger ones, they will never be able to enjoy their childhood, and they will feel that they have made the biggest mistake, which will affect their minds.
Forgiveness is essential, especially when it comes to children. Through this reflection, we are smart enough to know when to forgive and when not. Forgiveness depends on the situation and dimensions. We know which things should be ignored and which are to be punished. Even though forgiveness stands higher than punishment, humans still follow this practice as we don't have any options, and there are no such questions for forgiveness for the people who willingly indulge in activities like crimes, murders, and rape. Therefore, forgiveness is essential, depending on the situation and people's actions. We should know when and where to forgive and when not.
In the case of children, we must forgive as they will make thousands of mistakes, and they will not do what is right and wrong. They like a mountain lake that is pure and calm, but sometimes, they take the form of hurricanes and irritate others a lot. But this act of theirs makes us feel happy and reminds us of our old days in the future. Someday, forgiveness binds us together. Suppose the neighbour's uncle forgives the kid who broke his window twice or three times and still possesses a sense of forgiveness. In that case, it makes the uncle a hero in the eyes of the kid, and who knows, in the future, the kid will become a famous person and come to visit you with gifts and old-time memories.
The art of forgiveness works differently for different ages of people. The easiest, simplest, and most effective one is forgiving children. I still remember the uncle who returned my football whenever it went into his house. He never got angry, and he did forgive me when I broke his house's window. He used to give me advice, "Child, this is the right time to enjoy and create trouble for others, as in the future you will never get to experience it." His words really reflected upon me. As I take each step daily, I am expected to do well and make the fewest mistakes.

Tenzin Jambey
Pestallozi Children's Village Society
Image Courtesy- Dreamstime

Why forgiveness is important? - Tulsi Karki

Forgiveness is part of healing and letting go of the past. Holding on to negative emotions may cause too much burden on our minds. Forgiveness is not for others but for us. For example, when a teacher is angry over something, a student asks some questions. He/she gets severe scolding from the teacher. The student feels bad and talks negatively about that very teacher. But later, if the same student finds difficulties in understanding any chapter and has to learn from the same teacher. That student won't feel uncomfortable asking for help because he or she has forgiven that teacher. Here, the student gets the benefit and gets to learn many things. If that student held grudges towards the teacher, would he or she ever get to know that chapter? No, because holding grudges and never forgiving teachers would not help the student.

Forgiveness can lead to healthier relationships. It shows how much strength we have and how we manage to pull through the hard times. 

Tulsi Karki
Pestallozi Children's Village Society
Image courtesy- Experience life- lifetime