Showing posts with label courage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label courage. Show all posts

Monday, 5 February 2024

Once You Find the Way, You Will Do It - Anmol Kashyap

Once You Find the Way, You Will Do It

Discovering a path is similar to solving a puzzle. Once you have found the path that leads to your destination, it will give you confidence, strength, and courage to overcome obstacles. Education makes your journey easier because it is the only power that can help you in every difficult situation to achieve your goal. 

Once you find your way, there is no turning back; it is about understanding and knowing which steps to take. Upon discovering the path, you will realize that you can do it, and education will help you sharpen your skills, knowledge, and abilities to reach your goals.

Anmol Kashyap
Sunbeam School Lahartara

Monday, 2 January 2023

What I Fear The Most... Gaurangi Rastogi


At The Sunday School, we read the book The Art Of Focus by Gauranga Das on the 1st of Jan, 2023. Reading Chapter 32 - Human Quality: Preparedness, we set out to discover the fears within. Gaurangi Rastogi shares her reflections in her maiden podcast. You must listen to her and prepare to overcome your fears. She studies at The Doon Girls' School Dehradun and works as an Intern at My Good School. We meet her often at The Sunday School - reading, writing and speaking. #JoyOfLearning

Wednesday, 8 June 2022

The 22 Values - Rishona Chopra

Joy Of Learning (JOL) is based on The Little Book of Values: Educating Children to Become Thinking, Responsible and Caring Citizens. Learning happens through these values.

The future of education will be built on these values alone: 

Appreciation, Caring, Cooperation, Courage, Freedom, Friendship, Happiness, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Love, Patience, Peace, Quality, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Trust, Understanding & Unity.

These values make up our life. We don't have to do anything significant to master these. Just opening a door for someone, bringing a smile to someone's face, making friends with someone, trusting someone, understanding someone, and other little acts can do it all.

Why don't we promise ourselves that we will try our best to inculcate these values?

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VI 
Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Honesty - Khushi Badgeri

Honesty, for me, means to be truthful, authentic and genuine to yourself and to others. It's like the foundation base of any relationship. 

Being honest makes us feel mature and responsible person. Let me share a minor incident. 

While playing with my friends in our living room, I accidentally broke a photo frame. I did not know what to do. Seeing the broken frame pieces on the floor, all my friends disappeared. I quietly cleaned all the mess and quietly went to my bed with tears in my eyes. That photo frame was my mom's favourite piece. I felt very guilty. When my mom returned home from the office in the evening, she noticed something was missing from the corner table. But she didn't say a word. After dinner, I quietly went to her and confessed to her what had happened and said sorry. She looked at me and gave me a tight hug, and said she appreciated me for being honest and taking responsibility for the mistake. I promised her that henceforth I would be more careful. 

Admitting my mistake and getting forgiveness gave me internal satisfaction and pride, to be honest with myself.
So, my friends, I realized that it takes a little courage to be honest, and admit to our mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly. 

There is a saying, "Honesty is the best policy." Just believe it.

Khushi Badgeri
Grade: 2A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Friday, 1 April 2022

Honesty - Rishona Chopra

Courage, Bravery, we all must have heard these terms; a question might come to our mind: What is the most significant act of courage? The answer could be: Climbing Everest? Being a soldier? Well, it is actually none of is honesty.

Honesty is being truthful not to anyone but to ourselves. We deceive ourselves when we lie to others and think that we have fooled them. We can lie to others but not to ourselves. The trust that one builds on the other is because we will be honest with them. We often lie to fit in the society, but that is not needed; we should be who we are. 

You might be surprised to hear, but I figured out it wasn't needed even though I lied to fit into society. I don't play video games and don't know a thing about them, but all my friends lied that I knew how to when I had no idea! If I say that I don't know about it, they make fun of me, but that does not matter. What matters is what I think of myself. I believe that video games harm our creativity, and I know things that I should know and that I am a good person, so I don't have to lie and don't have to tell the truth either!

You would have often heard people say that they don't get into trouble when they do something wrong and tell the truth, but I think that's not how it works. Like in stories, it says that we did a bad thing, said the fact and got chocolate, but those are not practical. We should always be honest, but not necessary to help us get out of trouble. We still might face the consequence, so we should not be honest, thinking it will get us out of trouble. Accept your mistake and improve.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Honesty - Rishona Chopra

Courage, Bravery, we all must have heard these terms, a question might come to our mind: What is the most significant act of courage? The answer could be: Climbing Everest? Being a soldier? Well, it is actually none of is honesty. Let us see how with the help of a story:

Being Honest

Once there was a young girl named 'Mina'. She was taught to always be honest. To her, honesty seemed simple, just tell the truth. 

Once playing in school, she pushed her best friend 'Lily' so hard that it started to bleed. Mina didn't mean to do that at all. She went to her, and along with her other friends, they took her to the infirmary. 

Luckily it wasn't that serious, and the next day she was much better but wasn't able to play. 

Lily was furious at the person who pushed her. She was unaware that it was Mina who did that. She told Mina that she was angry at the person who had made her. That was so rude.

Mina, too, was hurt; she knew what she did hurt her friend. She just didn't dare to stand up and tell the truth. It was tough. That moment she realized how hard being honest could really be. 

Then she remembered telling her mother how simple being honest was, and now she didn't have the courage, to be honest. She thought that she might as well try telling the truth and tell Lily the truth. 

Lily couldn't believe it! 'Did you actually do that?' she said, surprised. 'I didn't mean to at all. I am really sorry,' said Mina. 'You aren't mad at me?'. 

'Why would I be? You were honest. And I believe you. I am sure it was a mistake.' said Lily with a smile.

It was courageous of you to stand up.

Like Mina took the brave step of telling the truth, it did look difficult. Imagine you being in such a situation. Would you speak the truth? The most significant act of courage is to, without fear, be honest! 

The terms honesty and integrity are often used interchangeably, but they are pretty different. They can be honesty without integrity but no integrity without honesty. Honesty is being truthful and upfront, while virtue is doing right without worrying. Or I both are equally important are one of the most essential values of life.

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Friday, 4 February 2022

Leadership - Anusha Jain

I am sharing a podcast video about my thoughts on leadership.

Anusha Jain, 
Grade IX, Ahlcon Public School
I love reading, and Harry Potter is my
favourite series.

Monday, 31 January 2022

Courage - Vinki Srivastava

Vinki Shrivastava, VI,
Ahlcon Public School
Courage is an innate superpower that lives inside us and that feeds on "I can and I will ". We are born out of courage. All throughout our lives, we are led to believe how certain things are made or work.

People believe women are weak and vulnerable. Women also start thinking that they are soft and tolerate a lot. But one day, when a woman stands up for herself and says it loud and clear that 'No, I am not weak'. It's the hidden power of courage inside her, which wakes her up, and she believes that she can and she will.

We all take birth, but we are born as humans the day we show courage to change the world.

I like to read quotes of great leaders as it gives shape to my thoughts. I have fun playing games from Skating and Swimming to Hopscotch and Ludo as they are full of fun. I think little things in life give us the most joy. I also love learning about computer languages. Acting is my goal.

Monday, 24 January 2022

Life - Rishona Chopra


Life is a dream,

It flows as fast as a stream.
We must decide our aim, 

Life is like a game.

You shall face obstacles,

But you have to be the constable,

Face your struggles like a warrior,

Who wants to cross the barrier.

Just have a little courage,

And never be discouraged.

Have hope,

And you’ll be able to climb life’s tough slope!

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Honesty - Rishona Chopra

Courage, Bravery, we all must have heard these terms, a question might come to our mind: What is the most significant act of courage? The answer could be: Climbing Everest? Being a soldier? Well, it is actually none of is honesty. Let us see how with the help of a story:

Being Honest

Once there was a young girl named 'Mina'. She was taught to always be honest. To her, honesty seemed simple, just tell the truth. 

Once playing in school, she pushed her best friend 'Lily' so hard that it started to bleed. Mina didn't mean to do that at all. She went to her, and along with her other friends, they took her to the infirmary. 

Luckily it wasn't that serious, and the next day she was much better but wasn't able to play. 

Lily was furious at the person who pushed her. She was unaware that it was Mina who did that. She told Mina that she was angry at the person who had made her. That was so rude.

Mina, too, was hurt; she knew what she did hurt her friend. She just didn't dare to stand up and tell the truth. It was tough. That moment she realized how hard being honest could really be. 

Then she remembered telling her mother how simple being honest was, and now she didn't have the courage, to be honest. She thought that she might as well try telling the truth and told Lily the truth. 

Lily couldn't believe it! 'Did you actually do that?' she said, surprised. 'I didn't mean to at all. I am really sorry,' said Mina. 'You aren't mad at me?'. 

'Why would I be? You were honest. And I believe you. I am sure it was a mistake.' said Lily with a smile.

It was courageous of you to stand up.

Like Mina took the brave step of telling the truth, it did look difficult. Imagine you being in such a situation. Would you speak the truth? 

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Monday, 10 January 2022

Courage - Aishwarya Kalia Ahuja

Ms Aishwarya Kalia Ahuja
TGT English
Ahlcon Public School
I am an experienced English teacher. Alongside teaching, I enjoy writing. I've also authored research papers and published poems. I've a keen interest in research which is always leveraged in analyzing learners' language needs.


My stories were dealt with mock and fun
Sneers, taunts, sarcasm were all I won.
All smiles I was in
To not let anyone hear my lyrics.
I showed Courage every time
No matter what the atmosphere is!

I needn't put on my armour and show my strength
A clear conscience doesn't exhibit its defence.
My silence would yell my feats
They'd soon regret their mistreat.
I'll smile in my lyrics
No matter what the atmosphere is!

Wheel of time would turn soon.
They will dance to my tunes
What if I ace up my sleeve
In how much time they'd retrieve?

All smiles I was in
To not let anyone hear my lyrics
I showed Courage every time
No matter what the atmosphere is!

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Courage - Arav Agarwal

Courage, the value of Values, celebrating 22 Values. #JoyOfLearning, My Good School - Life  Skills Program.

“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” This quote is by Maya Angelou and tells us that courage is the first step to achieve anything. We all have courage within us; we need to connect with it and take the first step. Whenever I need courage in any situation, I take deep breaths and say positive affirmations and words and I get the courage to face the situation.

For gaining courage inside us we can make some positive affirmation cards which have words like – “Believe”, “Awesome”, “I have the power to make an impact”. These cards encourage us and tell us that we are good and we should try more new things with courage and confidence. Whenever we feel fearful, we can look and read these affirmation cards. It will help us to boost our confidence and gain courage. 

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 5C
Billabong High International School, Thane

Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Courage - Vandya Agarwal


The true meaning of courage is mental and moral strength. The primary key to building courage is to have self-confidence. Courageous people are passionate and purposeful. 

Name: Vandya Agarwal, Grade: 7, The Doon Girls School

Monday, 27 December 2021

Courage - Ridhima Nalwa

Courage means different things to different people. To some, a soldier is what defines Courage to another. It may be leaser to yet another. It may be a person struggling through a dreaded disease. To me, Courage is what defines my mother. To me, she represents Shakti the Goddess with ten arms. She manages home, her work, me with astounding Courage. Come what may, she is ready to face the challenges of a life fearlessly. 

I sometimes wonder if Nelson Mandela’s definition of Courage was written keeping my mother in mind. He said, “Courage is not the absence of fear but to triumph over it”. A brave person is not someone who does not experience fear but the one who conquers fear. I have learnt from my mother that Courage need not be as huge as sacrificing one’s life for the nation; not everyone can be that courageous. 

Courage could be as simple as being honest, loyal to one’s friend, standing up for the truth and fearlessly facing day to day challenges that life imposes on us.

Ridhima Nalwa 
Class 6 D

Courage - Somnath

Courage is one of the best qualities of a human being. Courage means to go against your fears and do something. This courage of Indian soldiers in the Siachen borders motivates them to protect our country in such extreme conditions.

My uncle is hydrophobic, and he doesn’t even go near a pool. One summer evening, we were driving along the banks of river Hooghly in Kolkata. It was a hot and wet summer evening. My father parked the car near the banks to enjoy the cool breeze. All of a sudden, we could hear a strange noise. It seemed that someone was wailing. We saw a tiny brown puppy stuck in the mud near the river when we went near. The mother dog tried to rescue it but couldn’t, wailing helplessly. We did not know what to do. To all or surprise, my uncle jumped in the muddy river and rescued the little pup and brought it back to its mother. We were all astonished. A person with fear for water had actually shown the courage and had gone against his fears to save the little pup. Courage gives the person the strength to fight against his mental weakness and do something good. 

We should be courageous and use it for helping others and for doing good to society.

Class 6 D

Courage - Samruddhi Patankar

I am Samruddhi Patankar from grade 2; I would like to share my short life stories of courage.

I needed courage when I was only 5 yrs old to speak on the stage but, then my parents gave me courage by encouraging me, I did it. 👧🏻

When I was going to school 🏫 for my meet-and-greet session, I needed courage because I would meet my teacher that time; I got it from myself.

I often got scared by something that I didn’t even know, but I always told my teacher. She always gave me the courage, from now I see something scarier I don’t get scared. From then I have realized what courage means.

Name: Samruddhi Patankar
Grade: 2A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Sunday, 26 December 2021

Courage - Khushi Badgeri


Courage allows you to attempt things that you have not tried before. It takes courage to admit and say sorry when you are wrong. Courage is mental or moral strength to withstand danger, fear or difficulty. In short, courage means to say I have to do it, I will do it. 

Courage makes us believe in ourselves. Let me share my experience. I had a toothache. It was paining so severely that I could not eat or drink anything. But I was afraid of visiting Dentist. My parents forced me to see the Dentist. I went to Doctor and saw the Dental Chair, and I ran out and started crying. Then my parents told me that there was nothing to worry about and not hurt me. I told myself nothing to worry about and everything would be fine. You are brave and strong. You can do it. Somehow I managed to build up mental courage and got my dental treatment done, 

Now, I am not afraid of any Doctor and their treatment. I know they will take good care of me. So, this is how I overcame my fear of visiting a Dentist.

Courage also means thinking positively.

Name: Khushi Prashant Badgeri
Grade: 2 A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Saturday, 25 December 2021

Courage - Aavansh Gupta

 Courage is to control fear in a situation that may be dangerous or

unpleasant. You can swim in oceans, climb up mountains or go to

space. But the main point is that not everybody dares to do

that. Everybody wants comfort. You can choose courage or

comfort, but you can’t choose both. 

So, let me share a self-composed poem that could inspire everyone reading.





















Aavansh Gupta
Grade IV
Gyanshree School

Monday, 20 December 2021

Courage - Arindita

Courage means to face and overcome your fears. Being courageous doesn't mean having no worries but means overcoming them. People may have concerns like Acrophobia, Arachnophobia etc., but a brave person will fight it and go on.

Being courageous will help build your confidence because you won't be afraid of scary things and will prevent nervousness. It will also help you push away obstacles coming into your way and keep yourself calm to find your way out of certain situations and face them.

Courageous people are respected by all. One of the best examples is the Defense forces like army, navy, air force etc. They work for our defence no matter how fearful and dangerous the situation is. They never let their fears get to them, and that's why they leave a mark in other people's life. So, be courageous, be fearless, and you will indeed find success.

Grade V
Gyanshree School

Courage - Aashay Gaitonde


It was the year 2019. I had gone on a holiday with my family to Pali, where we stayed at a weekend home. On a lazy Sunday morning, Dad & I were playing in the kids' pool. I don't know how to swim, but I always liked playing in the water. It's always great fun to splash onto the water and create waves with our hands. However, who knew, that such a fun morning could end with a horror story. While playing in the pool, I slipped and fell face-first into the water. My head was UNDERWATER! I couldn't breathe and panicked. I couldn't move. It's only because my dad pulled me up that I could breathe again, albeit with great difficulty (because of the water in my nose!)

Fast forward to 2021, my parents planned the same trip this weekend & to the same place. And guess what? My mom & dad said to me this morning, "We are going to play in the pool." And this time, it was going to be the regular swimming pool and not the kids' pool. I was petrified! I tried to convince mom not to take me to the pool, but she said, "You need to learn swimming. Getting into the water is the first step.".

I was nervous, but the minute I went back into the water, I slowly started enjoying the pool like old times. And my mom taught me to hold my breath and put my head underwater for a few seconds. My immediate reaction was, "No!". But I knew mom was right. I had to stop being afraid at some point. I tried going underneath the water, and I could finally do it! I was able to put my head underwater and come out safely!

It may be a tiny thing, but for me, it was a big step to overcome my fear of water. I am not afraid of the pool anymore. I am not afraid of getting drowned too. I played in the pool for another hour, and I was able to enjoy every minute of it. This is my little story of courage. 

Name : Aashay Gaitonde
Grade: 5A
Billabong High International school, Thane

Reflections Since 2021